Stop Financing Total: Activists Protest outside Crédit Agricole Meeting in Paris

2023-05-17 18:42:43

The young Ugandan activist Hilda Flavia Nakabuye traveled more than 9,000 km to be among the dozens of activists gathered this Wednesday morning in front of the Crédit Agricole building in Paris where a general meeting was held. Since 2015, the bank has granted more than nine billion dollars to the oil giant for the development of new fossil energy projects, according to the associations, Avaaz and StopTotal, at the origin of this mobilization. The most controversial is that of EACOP, a giant oil pipeline which must cross Uganda and Tanzania, and which arouses indignation.

Brandishing a sign that reads “Credit Agricole, stop financing Total”, the activist denounces the impact of the activities of the oil group in Africa. « Total’s EACOP pipeline has already displaced more than 100,000 people initially in Uganda and Tanzania. He will cross no less than 200 rivers, which would harm our agriculture,” she explains. We are a country dependent on agriculture. In addition, a third of the pipeline will cross the Lake Victoria basin, which would pose a risk in the event of an oil spill: the lives of more than 14 million people are at stake. »

To put pressure on Crédit Agricole, the associations went to sound out its customers, and according to their consultation, four out of 10 of them would be ready to change banks if the banking group continues to invest in fossil fuels. ” Each new fossil energy project is a threat to the whole planet and each of these projects must be stopped, must be stopped and we must do everything to get there and financial players like Crédit Agricole and Amundi feel it and must position yourself today. It’s time to choose “Summarizes Hugo Viel, campaign manager at the NGO

Questioned, the president of Crédit Agricole Philippe Brassac recognized group responsibility in the exploitation of fossil fuels, without however removing its support for TotalEnergies. For environmental activists, the fight continues.

► To read also: Contested project of the oil group TotalEnergies: what reality in Uganda and Tanzania?

#demonstration #Crédit #Agricole #Paris



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