“Stop attributing discomfort with Chile to me,” said Alberto Fernández in an act with Boric

President Alberto Fernandez traveled this Wednesday, April 5 to Chile to commemorate together with his trans-Andean counterpart, Gabriel Boricthe 205 years of Hug of Maipu between Generals Bernardo O’Higgins and José de San Martín, an opportunity in which he affirmed that “unity” is in the “essence” of both countries.

“Thank you Chile for having received me with affection. Please, stop attributing discomfort to me with Chile that I don’t have. I love you much more than you think,” Fernández emphasized during a joint statement with Boric.

After both leaders held a bilateral meeting at the Palacio de la Moneda, President accurate: “The hug of San Martin and O Higgins is a hug that unites us forever. The mountains are not a wall that divides us, they are mountains that unite us.”

“We cannot think of Argentina and Chile in a way that is not united. You all know that I am a Peronist. General (Juan Domingo) Perón had already thought about Latin American integration through the ABC union: Argentina, Brazil and Chile”, Fernandez stressed.

Alberto Fernandez and Gabriel Boric. Telam: Pictures

Within this framework, the head of state and Boric highlighted the “brotherhood” that exists between both nations and ratified energy trade agreements.

“Sometimes I see with pain that some expressions that I have are interpreted here in Chile as acts of hostility. The truth is that the only thing I feel is an enormous love for Chile“, highlighted Fernández after several diplomatic short circuits with the Palacio de La Moneda.

The unrest arose after the Argentine president regretted that “in Chile Justice has been at the service of those who persecute opponents” in a letter he sent to his Ecuadorian counterpart, Guillermo Lassoto question his administration’s decision to expel Argentine ambassador Gabriel Fuks.

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Argentina formalized its entry into the Union of South American Nations (Unasur)

In another part of his statement, the President highlighted that Argentina already “formalized” its entry into the Union of South American Nations (Unasur) and celebrated that Brazil “will be doing the same” this Thursday.

In addition, Fernández urged “work to recreate UNASUR of these times” and completed: “We have to give it another dynamism, give it another meaning, always preserving what it was created for: the defense of democracy and human rights“.

For his part, Boric celebrated the shipment of Gas Natural Firme by Argentina: “We have been talking about modalities to expand agreements that end up benefiting Chilean families and the Argentine State.”

“Argentina made gas available for the months of May and June 2023 for 3 million cubic meters per day, which were taken by electricity generation companies, thus advancing for the first time in Gas Firm agreements that not only cover the period summer but also winter”, he pointed out.

Alberto Fernández and Gabriel Boric 20230405

Previously, the heads of state held a bilateral meeting and led an extended working meeting with members of both governments, an opportunity in which they “addressed the main issues and progress regarding the commitments acquired in the Joint declaration that they signed on the occasion of the State Visit of the President of Chile to Argentina on April 4, 2022″.

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In this sense, they agreed to “the urgent holding of meetings of the Chilean-Argentine Permanent Security Committee (COMPERSEG), of the Argentine-Chile Binational Commission on Antarctic Matters, of the fourteenth meeting of the Mechanism for Consultation and Cooperation on Human Rights, and the meetings corresponding to the Integration Committee”.

As indicated by the Presidency, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship, for Argentina, were part of the committee meeting, santiago cafiero; the Secretary General of the Presidency, Julio Vitobello; and the Argentine ambassador to Chile, Rafael Bielsa.

Meanwhile, for Chile, the Minister of Foreign Relations, Alberto Van Klaveren; the Chilean ambassador to Argentina, Bárbara Figueroa; the Secretary General for Foreign Policy, Alex Wetzig; and the advisor for International Affairs to the President, Carlos Figueroa.

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Visit of Alberto Fernández to Chile

Alberto Fernández landed in Santiago de Chile around 11 am and was received at the “Arturo Merino Benítez” Airport by the Argentine ambassador to the trans-Andean country, Rafael Bielsa, and local authorities.

Through their social networks, Boric thanked the presence of the president in the countrybefore the Votive Temple of Maipú, reaffirmed “the brotherhood between the peoples”.

“205 years after the historic embrace of Maipú and on Argentine-Chilean Friendship Day, together with the President of Argentina we reaffirm the brotherhood between our peoples. Thank you, President Alberto Fernández for your participation in this important commemoration!”, he tweeted along with a video in which they are seen hugging.

Curiously, Boric’s video was set to music by the rock anthem Bajan by Luis Alberto Spinetta after the President gave him the album Artaud from Pescado Rabioso, a 1975 vinyl from his personal collection in the last bilateral.

In tune, Fernández was grateful to his peer and promised to strengthen the bond between nations. “Thank you, President Gabriel Boric, for this invitation and for continuing to strengthen the fraternal and historic bond that unites us,” he replied on the same channel.


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