Stop Anti-Semitism: Prominent Australians Unite Against Rising Hate

2023-11-30 02:15:15

Sydney: The people of Australia are protesting against the increasing anti-Semitism in the country. Hundreds of prominent Australians, including former state premiers, business leaders and media figures, have condemned anti-Semitism in various parts of the country. Leaders have signed an open letter calling for all Australians to be included and treated with respect.

The open letter, linked to a website called “Know to Antisemitism” (Stop Anti-Semitism), was published on Tuesday morning. The letter cites figures from the Australian Juries’ Executive Council that there has been an increase in anti-Semitic incidents across Australia since the October 7 attack by Hamas on Israel and the subsequent Israeli attack on Gaza.

The letter says we are concerned about protests taking place on the streets and on university campuses outside public Australian landmarks, including the Sydney Opera House, Flinders Street Station and Parliament. The 600 signatories say racism in all its forms is despicable and abhorrent.

Former Premiers Daniel Andrews, Gladys Berejiklian, Anna Bligh, Geoff Kennett, Steve Bracks, Mark McGowan, former Labor leader Kim Beasley, business leaders Telstra Chair John Mullen, Wesfarmers Chair Michael Chaney and billionaires Lindsey Fox, Anthony Pratt and Solomon and Lou Among the signatories of the letter.

All Australians have the right to be treated with respect, away from hostile and threatening behaviour. The protesters also say that the people of the country must fight against anti-Semitism and Islamophobia. A full list of signatories is published on the campaign’s website.

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