Stop Antenna Puget: Protecting Our Residential Area from the Installation of a 5G Pylon

2023-09-05 15:32:04

A Prior Declaration No. 083 099 23 00062 was filed on 04/17/2023 by SAS TOWEO and issued on 04/28/2023 by the Puget-sur-Argens Town Hall for the installation of a 5G pylon 25m multi-operator “tree” at the edge of the Camp de Vidal road on the plot bearing the cadastral reference C162.

The issuance of the authorization in “barely” 11 days, suggests that the topic had been under the rug for a while even though it was not put to a vote during any Municipal Council (none of the documents posted on the city’s website mentions it). By having handled the file with such diligence, the town hall has clearly shown itself on the side of SAS TOWEO and not of its citizens.

The project, carried out with the utmost discretion, was granted without any consultation with the local residents knowing in particular that it is located in a classified wooded area, in the middle of a residential area Réal / Gabre / Cabran sector, less than 50m from the first houses (43m to be precise), on the edge of this path that many of us like to walk with their young children or their animals or take to come and eat lunch at the junction of Chemin de Cabran to reach Réal following the Gabre booster.

Once the pot of roses was discovered, local residents proposed to find another less damaging location, allowing the same functionality (it is not the place which misses in this sector). The proposal was accepted but work began less than a week following this discussion. On the side of the residents, the incomprehension is total because they did not even have time to start looking for another site.

The legal posting was carried out in the town hall from May 4, 2023 to July 5, 2023 but the mandatory display on site has not been done in the rules of the artt since it was only put in place on July 12, 2023, i.e. more than 2 months following its approval and the work began on July 24, 2023, i.e. 10 days later. Residents who regularly use this path all confirm the absence of mandatory signage on site between May 4, 2023 and July 5, 2023.

We invite those who have also noticed it to produce a certificate to confirm this display defect. (Document downloadable from: ).

For the transmission of the document, please contact us on:

pose near 100 tons of concrete (38.44m2 on the ground by 1.05m high, i.e. 40m3: data from the site manager on site) in a listed natural space and completely unbuildable, obviously poses no problem to the town hall. It should be noted that a simple Prior Declaration is illegal for a footprint exceeding 20m2, it would have required a building permit in good and due form, impossible to issue on a classified wooded area.

The antenna is also not at the location declared in the town hall. Indeed, it should have been more inside the wood, regarding 15m from the edge of the road and not at the edge of the road. But this would have required the felling of several trees within a classified wooded area, authorization in theory impossible to obtain. Never mind, it was therefore placed at the edge of the road, without modification of the DP and without notice.

Why tell us that another location was possible, when everything was already planned and the completion of the structural work was scheduled for two weeks later?

Why not simply and democratically consult the residents, and try to find the least penalizing solution for everyone?

This is the little consideration that the town hall has for its citizens!

For the moment, a graceful appeal was filed at the town hall on July 24, 2023, but other actions are to come and we have “matter for” in view of the regulatory freedom that seems to have been taken with regard to the construction of this 5G antenna. !

Not content with considerably devaluing the property of residents close to the antenna, the work of a lifetime for some (30% to 50% depending on the proximity and the existence of a direct view of the structure) , the town hall also gives itself the right to expose its citizens with disconcerting horizontal proximity to 5G waves, the long-term effects of which are still unknown and taboo.

Controversy has reigned for many years as to the possible dangerous health effects of exposure to high frequencies. Many studies by independent scientists have shown that repeated exposure to electromagnetic fields such as those emitted by relay antennas a adverse health effects.

We have also found correlations with diseases such as: Cancer, Leukemia…

Many people living near antennas complain of the following problems, also noted by doctors during scientific studies (non-exhaustive list): sleep disorders, headaches, lack of concentration, depression and attacks, cardiac arrhythmias, skin rashes …

The WHO recently classified mobile phone waves as potentially carcinogenic, for more

information see on the websites: – .

Despite this great vagueness on the dangers associated with waves, Law No. 2015-136 of February 9, 2015 relating to exposure to electromagnetic waves, prohibits the use of WIFI terminals in crèches, in rooms that accommodate children. . thus clearly showing that it is harmful to expose young children to it! Taking into account the precautionary principle is therefore imperative in a residential and family sector!

– Given the lack of evidence of the non-dangerous nature of nearby electromagnetic fields


– Given the visual pollution caused by the presence of this antenna ridiculously disguised as a fir tree in the middle of a natural space,

– Given the inevitable damage to the real estate value of homes in the area concerned,

We ask the local authorities to put an end to this project in the name of the precautionary principle.


Together, let’s mobilize to defend our quality of life and sign this petition.


We encourage you to share this information and spread this petition as widely as possible.

Thank you for your support !

For any information you can contact us on:

#antenna #wooded #area #PugetsurArgens



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