“Stomach ache with Schlein” –

Marco Tarquinio, MEP of the Democratic Party, was interviewed by Il Giornale to discuss his stomach aches over Elly Schlein’s management of the war issue by Democrats. “I abstain to highlight the steps forward that the Schlein secretariat is taking on the no to the use of Italian weapons on Russian soil. That is, the no to paragraph 8 of the resolution that we voted for, the one that asked states to remove the ban. And then the work that was done by the PD to introduce the word ‘peace’ for the first time in the text of the resolution. It was an unspeakable word until recently. Now it is written three times in the resolution approved by Parliament. There is a clear correction by Schlein compared to the line of the old PD. Naturally, Schlein’s new line, more pacifist, is causing backlash and reactions. It is logical that it should be this way. It is clear that there is a stomach ache…”

The Democratic Party's news item on the flood. And Schlein dictates the answers: Say this on TV

“I am not – Tarquinio explains to the newspaper directed by Alessandro Sallusti – a utopian pacifist. True pacifists are realists. They know that peace can only be achieved through negotiations. And this path must be supported by ‘good’ powers. I am convinced that this is Europe’s task, to be the good power”. Then a round of applause for FI: “I appreciated Forza Italia’s positions for a citizenship law that is more welcoming towards foreigners. There are a million Italians who do not have citizenship, speak Italian, think Italian, eat Italian, live Italian and do not have a passport. For a moderate party it is important to solve this problem. For me if a child is born here he is already Italian”.

Western weapons to hit Russia, the EU goes to war but Italy says no. And the Democratic Party splits

#Stomach #ache #Schlein #Tempo
2024-09-24 14:49:23



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