Stocker to Amesbauer: “In contrast to Kickl, Chancellor Nehammer and Interior Minister Karner have put the asylum brake on”

2023-10-28 13:52:05

The asylum numbers show a decline in asylum applications by 50 percent

Vienna (OTS) “In contrast to Herbert Kickl, Chancellor Karl Nehammer and Interior Minister Gerhard Karner have successfully put the brake on asylum. The asylum statistics show us in black and white that the asylum brake is efficient and works: asylum applications are falling and have halved compared to the previous year. The smuggling mafia is also being successfully combated. That is the merit of the People’s Party,” says the People’s Party’s general secretary and security spokesman, Christian Stocker.

“Our Federal Chancellor Karl Nehammer initiated this turnaround in the asylum sector as Interior Minister and Interior Minister Gerhard Karner is continuing the successful course. The People’s Party’s asylum policy is exactly the right one,” Stocker continued and concluded: “Herbert Kickl is not interested in a solution to asylum policy, on the contrary: the Kickl-FPÖ is panicking because its only substantive topic is missing. We pay no attention to such party political tactics. For the People’s Party, security is the top priority.”

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#Stocker #Amesbauer #contrast #Kickl #Chancellor #Nehammer #Interior #Minister #Karner #put #asylum #brake

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