Stocker: “FPÖ is once again spreading untruths on the subject of Schengen”

2023-12-28 15:37:05

The opening of the Schengen borders of Romania and Bulgaria is currently not up for debate

Vienna (OTS) – “The FPÖ is once once more spreading untruths on the subject of Schengen. The Schengen borders will only be opened once reliable external border protection is guaranteed. This is the constant and unchanged position of the Austrian federal government and has been emphasized once more and once more by Interior Minister Karner. It is sad that the FPÖ is only responding to the successful reduction in the number of asylum seekers and the paradigm shift in European asylum law with untruths,” replies the General Secretary of the People’s Party, Christian Stocker, to the bizarre claims of the FPÖ European Parliamentarian Harald Vilimsky.

“As everyone except MP Vilimsky has noticed, the smugglers’ routes to Austria do not run by air, but rather across land borders, which are still controlled. So the claim that opening air traffic might increase illegal migration is downright absurd. We are used to a lot of dubious statements from Harald Vilimsky, but with this bundle of untruths he has truly outdone himself,” concluded Stocker.

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#Stocker #FPÖ #spreading #untruths #subject #Schengen



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