Stock index futures fluctuated upward, IH main contract rose 1.14% |

On June 27, 2022, stock index futures fluctuated upward, the main contract of CSI 300 stock index futures (IF) rose 1.08%, the main contract of Shanghai 50 stock index futures (IH) rose 1.14%, and the main contract of CSI 500 stock index futures (IC) rose 0.30%.

On June 27, the broader market fluctuated and rose throughout the day, led by the Shenzhen Component Index, and the Shanghai Composite Index once approached the 3,400-point integer mark. On the disk, track stocks and consumer stocks rose together. In terms of the track, sectors such as photovoltaics, automobiles, and intelligent manufacturing have strengthened, and individual stocks in the photovoltaic sector have set a limit-up trend again. In terms of consumption, sectors such as hotels, airports, food processing, and tourism are active. On the downside, financial stocks such as insurance and brokerage companies fell into adjustment. In general, individual stocks rose more and fell less. Over 2,600 stocks in the two cities rose, and over 100 stocks in the two cities had a daily limit or a rise of more than 10%. The turnover of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets was 1,228.8 billion yuan today, which was 68.5 billion more than the previous trading day. In terms of sectors, sectors such as HJT batteries, coal, hotels, and industrial machines were among the top gainers, while sectors such as real estate services, insurance, securities, and digital currencies were among the top losers. As of the close, the Shanghai Composite Index rose 0.88%, the Shenzhen Component Index rose 1.1%, and the ChiNext Index rose 0.22%.

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Responsible editor: Zhao Siyuan

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