STMI Polytechnic Holds PKKMB 2024

STMI Polytechnic PKKMB Activities (MI/HO)

STMI Jakarta Polytechnic once again held the opening of the Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PKKMB) which was held at the Digital Industry Center 4.0 Building (PIDI 4.0) with the theme “Building excellent, competent, and powerful agile learner industrial human resources in the Industry 4.0 era”, Monday (19/8).

On that occasion, the Director of STMI Jakarta Polytechnic, Amrin Rapi, welcomed the new students who will study at STMI Jakarta Polytechnic.

He hopes that in the next 4 years, new students can become alumni of the Jakarta STMI Polytechnic who have deep knowledge, noble morals, love for their country, and are globally competitive.

“In the process of accepting new students (PMB), STMI Jakarta Polytechnic is actively carrying out socialization and promotion activities using the principle of “High tech & thigh touch”. This has increased the enthusiasm of applicants, with a total of 4,510 applicants in 2024 with 400 students accepted, with a ratio of 11.3 (exceeding the BPSDMI target of 1:10). This is also in accordance with the direction of BPSDMI’s policy, one vocational unit, one great achievement,” he said.

In this academic year, the number of new students at STMI Jakarta Polytechnic reached 400 students divided into five study programs, namely the Automotive Industrial Engineering (TIO) Study Program with 90 students, the Automotive Industrial Information System Study Program with 90 students, the Automotive Business Administration (ABO) Study Program with 90 students, the Polymer Chemical Engineering (TKP) Study Program with 70 students, and the Automotive Engineering Technology (TRO) Study Program with 60 students.

“STMI Jakarta Polytechnic provides academic services with an applied undergraduate program, based on a dual system curriculum with 5-2-1 (5 semesters of studying on campus, 2 semesters of studying in the industry through internships and 1 semester of working on a final project) in each study program, covering theoretical and practical learning with a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) learning method approach,” continued Amrin.

Also read: So that prospective students do not look down on PTN Vocational Education

STMI Jakarta Polytechnic carries out various socializations through physical media (directly) such as participating in exhibitions, visits to high schools/vocational schools, or open houses and social media such as Instagram, WhatsApp, TikTok and YouTube.

In addition, Amrin also added, in order to achieve superior accreditation for each study program, the new student admission strategy is carried out by paying attention to the BAN-PT assessment matrix indicators, which include:

  • Input quality, using recruitment methods with various test methods, including cognitive tests, attitude tests and other tests.
  • The selection process is strict using 3 channels, namely Jarvis Prestasi, Jarvis Bersama and Jarvis Mandiri with a ratio of 1:11.3.
  • STMI Jakarta Polytechnic is making efforts to increase the enthusiasm of prospective students, as indicated by a significant trend in the number of applicants (> 10%) in the last 3 years.

Increased interest of over 10% compared to interest in 2023, always updating knowledge and information related to strategies for carrying out promotions so that the reach of promotions becomes wider and interest continues to increase.

Also read: Enthusiastic about Higher Education, Observer: In the Future, We Must Think About Increasing the Capacity of SNPMB

Head of BPSDMI Mashrokan congratulated the new students of STMI Jakarta Polytechnic.

“On this occasion, I would like to congratulate all of you on being accepted as new students at the STMI Jakarta Polytechnic, that you have gone through a strict process by setting aside 4,510 applicants to become students at the STMI Jakarta Polytechnic,” he said.

“By holding the status as a student, you are now starting a new academic journey at the STMI Jakarta Polytechnic campus. The goal of an academic journey is certainly not limited to obtaining an academic degree, but no less important is achieving academic competence, which includes aspects of cognitive knowledge, skills, attitudes, and character and personality. The higher the academic degree you achieve, the higher the quality of attitude and personality you have,” he concluded. (Z-1)

#STMI #Polytechnic #Holds #PKKMB



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