Stiftung Warentest: Two cheap dishwasher tablets are surprising test winners 2024

Whether for mono or multi use, dishwasher tablets provide a practical option for consumers seeking to clean their dishes swiftly and effectively. Recently, Stiftung Warentest evaluated various dishwasher detergents and the findings were surprising. The test results indicate that while some tablets can eliminate almost any type of dirt effortlessly, others struggle with specific kinds of grime. This guide presents an overview of the best and worst dishwasher tablets available in the market, according to Stiftung Warentest’s assessments and the current prices from July 2024.

Dishwasher tablets: test winner and price tip 2024

The Stiftung Warentest experts assessed 15 different multi-tabs, including four eco-friendly products, as well as 15 mono-tabs. The test methodologies for these two categories vary, yet both emphasize cleaning effectiveness and scale prevention. The gentleness on materials was another factor evaluated. Additionally, environmental aspects of the dishwasher tablets were considered, including their impact on aquatic life and the user-friendliness of their packaging.

Two multi-tabs managed to secure the top positions:

Only two Mono-Tabs received a “good” rating. However, the overall cost of the test winner is deemed “extremely high,” according to the testing experts.

Losers in the dishwasher tab test

In general, the test was favorable for many products. Ten dishwasher detergents earned a “good” rating from the experts, including three out of four eco-tabs. This indicates that environmentally conscious dishwashing can be achieved without sacrificing quality. However, not all tested products performed satisfactorily.

Regarding multi-tabs, two brands were consistently underwhelming:

Despite Somat’s eco-product demonstrating “good” environmental properties, it failed the test due to causing permanent damage to silver utensils. These serious defects resulted in a poor rating and underscore that environmental protection alone cannot suffice if the cleaning efficacy is inadequate.

Priced at around 10 euros per pack, Finish’s “Powerballs” are not only costly but also detrimental to the environment. These tabs are particularly harmful to water and received an “unsatisfactory” rating. Their cleaning effectiveness was also found lacking, which resulted in an additional downgrade.

These two brands also performed poorly in the mono tabs assessment:

Conclusion from the comparison test

The results from the comprehensive dishwasher tab evaluation reveal that even budget-friendly products can deliver excellent cleaning capabilities. The top performers, “W5 Multi-Active All in 1” from Lidl and “Denkmit Multi-Power Revolution” from dm, stand out due to their cleaning efficiency and environmental attributes. The same holds true for the Everdrop brand in mono tabs, though consumers will need to pay a higher price for these.

“Somat brand dishwasher tabs used to be frequent test winners,” the latest test report states. However, that is no longer the case: Somat and Finish products are underperforming in both mono and multi tabs. Despite their high prices, they yielded poor outcomes. Stiftung Warentest’s experts advise consumers to seek products with the “Blue Angel” environmental certification, as these do not contain harmful substances for the environment.

The Ultimate Guide to Dishwasher Tablets in 2024

Whether mono or multi, dishwasher tablets offer a practical solution for consumers who want to clean their dishes quickly and efficiently. Stiftung Warentest recently tested a variety of dishwasher detergents and came to surprising results. The test results show that some tablets remove almost any type of dirt without any problems, while others fail to remove certain types of dirt. This guide offers you an overview of the best and worst dishwasher tablets on the market, based on the tests of Stiftung Warentest and the current prices from the July 2024.

Dishwasher Tablets: Test Winner and Price Tip 2024

The experts from Stiftung Warentest examined 15 different multi-tabs, including four eco-products, and 15 mono-tabs. The test procedures for the two groups differ, but both focus on cleaning power and the prevention of limescale. The gentleness of the material was also assessed. Another important aspect was the environmental properties of the dishwasher tablets, including their impact on aquatic organisms and the user-friendliness of the packaging.

Test Winners:

Two multi-tabs narrowly managed to take the lead:

  • W5 Multi-Active All in 1 (Lidl): Offers excellent cleaning performance and environmental properties.
  • Denkmit Multi-Power Revolution (dm): A strong competitor with similar attributes as W5.

Losers in the Dishwasher Tabs Test

Overall, the test was positive for many products. Ten dishwasher detergents received a “good” rating, including three out of four eco-tabs. This shows that environmentally friendly dishwashing is possible without any loss of quality. However, not all of the products tested were convincing.

Disappointing Brands:

Among the multi-tabs, two brands fell short:

  • Somat: An eco-product with good environmental properties, but caused permanent damage to silver spoons, leading to a poor rating.
  • Finish Powerballs: Priced around 10 euros per pack, these tabs are not only costly but also harmful to the environment, receiving an “unsatisfactory” rating.

Mono Tabs Results

Underperforming Brands:

The mono tabs also showcased disappointing brands. Notably, Somat and Finish were rated poorly, failing both efficacy tests and environmental standards despite their higher price points.

Conclusion of the Comparison Test

The results of the large dishwasher tab test show that inexpensive products can offer excellent cleaning performance. The test winners from Lidl and dm impress with their cleaning power and environmental properties. The Everdrop brand for mono tabs is efficient, but requires a higher investment.

“Somat brand dishwasher tabs were once among the test winners,” states the test report, acknowledging a shift in performance. Consumers are advised to seek products with the “Blue Angel” environmental seal for sustainable choices.

Benefits of Using Dishwasher Tablets

  • Convenience: Simply load the tablet into the dishwasher, and let it do the work.
  • Effective Cleaning: Designed to tackle tough stains and baked-on food.
  • Space-saving: Tablets are compact and easy to store.
  • Environmentally Friendly Options: Many brands now offer eco-friendly solutions.

Practical Tips for Choosing Dishwasher Tablets

  1. Check reviews and test results from reputable sources like Stiftung Warentest.
  2. Look for eco-labels such as the “Blue Angel” to ensure environmental safety.
  3. Compare prices and quantity to determine the best value for your budget.
  4. Be mindful of the type of dishes you wash, as some tablets perform better with specific materials.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are dishwasher tablets?

Dishwasher tablets are pre-measured doses of detergent designed for use in automatic dishwashers, allowing for more convenient dishwashing with effective results.

Are more expensive dishwasher tablets worth the price?

Not necessarily. Many affordable brands perform well in tests, while some expensive options underperform. Always consider the test results and reviews.



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