Stefanos Kasselakis: Uproar with the pool in Spetses – “An older water tank was revealed and beautified” he says! 2024-08-04 23:45:58

According to the newspaper report, Stefanos Kasselakis had obtained a permit from the Piraeus Construction Service for “small-scale construction works” – and in particular for interior arrangements and changing roof tiles -, however, in addition to these, he also built the swimming pool. However, as noted in the publication, Spetses is a proclaimed traditional settlement, with a Presidential Decree of 1981 and a decision of the Council of Ministers of 2016, swimming pools are completely prohibited.

As the publication states, the construction of the swimming pool is illegal and arbitrary based on the Presidential Decree (21.11-15.12.1981) which determines the conditions for building on the island and the decision 2471/2016 of the Council of Ministers which expressly provides that: “Consequently the construction of swimming pools tanks in the uncovered area of ​​the buildings within the traditional settlements and in particular in Spetses, is prohibited, since the aforementioned provisions do not expressly provide for the construction of swimming tanks in the uncovered area of ​​the buildings, the only tanks that are allowed are the water storage tanks, the which are placed compulsorily inside the roof or on the roof of the buildings, in a way that does not cause an aesthetic nuisance”.

The publication also states that the “small-scale works permit” issued by the Piraeus Construction Service on June 6, 2023 does not mention the construction of a swimming pool anywhere, since as the publication states, it is known to the services that such a permit in the traditional settlement of Spetses does not can be approved.

At the same time, the newspaper report states that the work on the country house of Stefanos Kasselakis started immediately and was in progress last September, as was recorded in television reports on September 22, 2023 and while Mr. Kasselakis had assumed the institutional role of the head of the police department opposition, where the reference to the swimming pool under construction was made clearly and without any reaction or objection on the part of Mr. Kasselakis, which of course was accompanied by the corresponding plans.

In the same document of the small-scale work permit published by the Sunday newspaper, an aerial photo with the coordinates of Mr. Kasselakis’ property (house and covered area) is included, showing that there was no swimming pool at the time the permit was issued – last year in June. The photo from the TV report last September shows the progress of the construction work, while the photos taken a few days ago show that the pool is now complete and the surrounding area has been landscaped, the report said.

Kasselakis says the apocalypse is a joke


“The ‘revelation’ is a joke,” Stefanos Kasselakis argues in his post on social media regarding a publication of the First Theme entitled: “The illegal and arbitrary swimming pool of Kasselakis in Spetses”. The president of SYRIZA PS comments: “what is an already existing water tank 1.40 meters deep in front of the depth of your Corruption?”.

In particular, he states in his post that “when you mess with the First Issue, the ‘paid pistol’ of Mr. Mitsotakis which is in direct connection with Maximou, it makes sense to collect the price. Especially when there is an urgent need to distract public opinion from the cover-up of the wiretapping scandal and the overthrow of the rule of law.”

According to Mr. Kassellakis: “First, the publisher of Proto Thema, Mr. Karamitsos, hides that he was a target of Predator. Then he does not answer because he was paid (at least) two invoices by the administrators of Predator in Greece! And, of course, it is the site and the publication that “burys”, even now, one of the biggest scandals of the Post-colonialism…”.

The president of SYRIZA continues by saying: “so let’s go and shed some light on the thick darkness of the Entanglement:

1. On April 10, 2020, Piraeus Bank sold (individually) the loans of the FIRST ISSUE amounting to 29 million Euros to the Blantyre Capital fund instead of 10 million Euros (who is behind this fund?)

2. On June 2, 2020 the FIRST ISSUE loans are transferred from Blantyre to fund Meru Sarl of Luxembourg (for what price?).

3. On July 19, 2021 the loans of the FIRST SUBJECT are sold by the Meru fund to the company Masiero Consultants Ltd, which had a capital of only 3,000 Euro.

The fund-to-fund sales are apparently FIRM in order to eliminate the traces of debt relief for the specific loans.

Addressing the editor of the newspaper, Mr. Kassellakis states that “I am not hiding”. “Fight me as much as you and your string-pulling master want. You show how scared the system is of me (and rightly so). Now that you will both be on vacation in Tinos, you will have the opportunity to discuss your next plans against me,” he adds.

Regarding the publication, Mr. Kasselakis mentions “about the ‘swimming pool’ (1.40 meters deep) of my house in Spetses”, that in May 2023 he asked his engineers to submit all the relevant documents, so that they could be issued all home improvement work permits. “During them, cleaning and restoration works of the surrounding area (courtyard) were carried out in parallel, in which an older water tank, which existed for decades in the same area (as well as a well), was highlighted and beautified. Without ANY EXCAVATION.

“Well, the ‘revelation’ is bullshit,” says Mr. Kasselakis.

“Mr. Karamitsos, I am not afraid of you. I will reveal to you as soon as I have the strength. Not as a person – I have nothing personal with you – but as an example of entanglement in a country that just can’t stand any more darkness. I am even proud to be the only political leader who has the courage to mess with you without fearing the price. “Besides, what is an already existing water tank 1.40 meters deep in front of the depth of your corruption?”, concludes Mr. Kasselakis.

Marinakis to Kasselakis: Sometimes it is better not to answer at all

The government representative, Pavlos Marinakis, returned, commenting on the post of the president of SYRIZA. “Sometimes it’s better not to answer at all than to write ‘an older water tank was highlighted and beautified’ to collect the unmixed,” says Mr. Marinakis.

“The newspaper “Proto Thema” reveals that Stefanos Kasselakis, while he was elected president of the official opposition party, built an arbitrary and illegal swimming pool at his house in Spetses,” the Deputy Minister to the Prime Minister and Government Spokesman Pavlos Marinakis said earlier in a statement. And he adds: “He is the same person who ignored the provisions of the law (which was established by the Tsipras government) that prohibits participation in foreign companies.

He is the political leader who gives sermons about our Democracy and the institutions from the alleys of Mykonos, while turning a blind eye to re-registration of journalists and judges by the favorite member of his party, which he is afraid to delete.

He is the president of the party of those irrevocably condemned by Justice who attack her when they don’t like her decisions.

In short, when the big words about the rule of law sank to the bottom of an illegal pool.”

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#Stefanos #Kasselakis #Uproar #pool #Spetses #older #water #tank #revealed #beautified



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