Stefanos Kasselakis: The Future of SYRIZA Unveiled

Stefanos Kasselakis: The Future of SYRIZA Unveiled

The day after the removal of Stefanos Kasselakis from the leadership of <a href="" title="Opening in Greece of the trial of the journalists at the origin of the Novartis scandal”>SYRIZA, the spotlight is on the movements of the “deposed” president from the party of Koumoundouros.

The close circle of Stefanos Kasselakis revealed his intentions after the rapid developments in SYRIZA, which is headed for a new round of elections in just 11 months.

“Stefanos Kasselakis is more ready than ever to give a tough fight either to “step down” and claim the leadership of SYRIZA or to form a new party”, his entourage emphasizes.

“Scenarios of demobilization are unequivocally denied,” the same factors point out.

If he decides to be a candidate in the elections to be held in SYRIZA, then Stefanos Kasselakis will have to fight hard to gain allies and bases, at a time when his attitude in the last KE disappointed even those who were in the neutral zone.

The former president of SYRIZA still has to measure if and how much power he has within the party and in society. And this because a second defeat will obviously make his problem even bigger.

The possibility of making his own party would obviously solve his problems, but it would also be costly even for those who have a lot of money.

So the question for Stefanos Kasselakis is whether he will want to enter the electoral process taking a big risk or whether he will want to make his own party, with his own people and his own logic.

For now, the “deposed” president has chosen… isolation, as he does not pick up phones. Today’s Monday finds him deeply hurt by the passing of the motion of impeachment against him, without a presidential office, driver and guard.

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#SYRIZA #Stefanos #Kasselakis #moving

Here are PAA (People Also Ask) questions related ⁣to the ⁤topic “Stefanos Kasselakis’ Future in Limbo After Removal from ​SYRIZA Leadership”:

Stefanos‌ Kasselakis’ Future in Limbo After Removal from SYRIZA⁣ Leadership

The recent developments in the Greek left-wing party SYRIZA⁣ have left Stefanos Kasselakis,⁢ the former president, at ⁣a crossroads. On ⁢September 9, 2024, the ‌central committee of SYRIZA voted to remove⁢ Kasselakis from his leadership position, sparking a whirlwind​ of speculation ⁣about his next move [[3]].

According to sources close to Kasselakis, he is more determined than ever to fight for the leadership ⁢of SYRIZA or potentially ⁢form a new⁤ party [[1]]. This comes as a surprise to⁣ many, given ‌the rapid developments in the party, which is now headed for a ⁢new round‌ of ​elections ​in just 11 months.

Kasselakis’ entourage has categorically denied any scenarios of ⁢demobilization, ⁣suggesting that he is ready ‌to‍ take on the challenge of reclaiming his position⁣ or building a new political ⁤entity from scratch [[1]]. However, if ⁢he decides‌ to ​run in the upcoming elections, he will need ‌to work‌ hard⁢ to gain ‌allies and build a strong base, especially⁢ considering his disappointing performance in ⁢the last​ KE [[2]].

The former SYRIZA⁣ president still needs to assess‌ his power within the party and ​society, as a second defeat would only exacerbate his problems. Forming his own party could be a solution, but it would come at a significant cost, even⁢ for those with substantial financial resources.

For now, Kasselakis ​has chosen to isolate himself, not responding to phone‌ calls and reeling from the ⁢shock of his removal from office​ [[1]]. Without a presidential office, driver, and guard, he is left to ponder his next move⁢ in a state of deep hurt and disappointment.

The question on⁣ everyone’s mind is whether ⁢Kasselakis will ‌take the risk of entering the electoral process⁤ or opt to create ‌his own party, with ⁢his own people and logic. One thing is certain – the coming weeks‌ and months will be crucial in determining the future of this ⁤Greek politician.




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**People Also Ask:**

Stefanos Kasselakis’ Future in Limbo After Removal from SYRIZA Leadership

The recent developments in the Greek left-wing party SYRIZA have left Stefanos Kasselakis, the former president, at a crossroads. On September 9, 2024, the central committee of SYRIZA voted to remove Kasselakis from his leadership position, sparking a whirlwind of speculation about his next move [[3]]. According to sources close to Kasselakis, he is more determined than ever to fight for the leadership of SYRIZA or potentially form a new party [[1]]. This comes as a surprise to many, given the rapid developments in the party, which is now headed for a new round of elections in just 11 months.

Kasselakis’ entourage has categorically denied any scenarios of demobilization, suggesting that he is ready to take on the challenge of reclaiming his position or building a new political entity from scratch [[1]]. However, if he decides to run in the upcoming elections, he will need to work hard to gain allies and build a strong base, especially considering his disappointing performance in the last KE [[2]].

The former SYRIZA president still needs to assess his power within the party and society, as a second defeat would only exacerbate his problems. Forming his own party could be a solution, but it would come at a significant cost, even for those with substantial financial resources.

For now, Kasselakis has chosen to isolate himself, not responding to phone calls and reeling from the shock of his removal from office [[1]]. Without a presidential office, driver, and guard, he is left to ponder his next move in a state of deep hurt and disappointment.

The question on everyone’s mind is whether Kasselakis will take the risk of entering the electoral process or opt to create his own party, with his own people and his own logic. Only time will tell what the future holds for Stefanos Kasselakis.

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What led to Stefanos Kasselakis’ removal from SYRIZA leadership?

What are the implications of Kasselakis forming his own party?

* How will Kasselakis’ decision affect the future of SYRIZA and Greek politics?



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