Stefanos Kasselakis: The Central Committee is not the highest body of SYRIZA

Stefanos Kasselakis: The Central Committee is not the highest body of SYRIZA

The deadline for submitting nominations ended the day before yesterday and formally he is not a candidate. However, he maintains – with the help of the Ethics Committee, which has ruled that the final judge for nominations is the Congress – that his candidacy will be judged at the Congress.

“It is extremely sad that allegations are being made that the Central Committee is the highest body, when in fact the Congress is the one that has the power to approve and announce nominations for the presidency”, said yesterday from the staff of the ousted SYRIZA president and added: “The people of SYRIZA fight every day for democratic values ​​both in the country and in the party. Despite the efforts of certain decision-making centers, voters understand that the restoration of the democratic process can only be achieved through the Congress.” “The moment of truth is approaching and only through democratic processes can our party move forward. The overthrow of these replacement methods is now imperative, as unity and democracy must be the pillars of our course”, they concluded.

His “87”. Alexis Tsipras, however, they consider the issue of the Kasselakis candidacy over, despite the fact that there is a very large reaction to their tactics. “This is not democratic, it has nothing to do with the renewalist Left, it has to do with the Stalinist Left. These people were obviously trained and experienced this thing and have assimilated it, teaching a new generation the Stalinist concept, that it is sacred and superior to all.

Well, a perception is born that ends in the discrediting of the people, the people are inferior, they are the common people. They will do what we say. We are the serious ones, we are the right ones, we know everything… Hair! One disappointment is these stems, they are self-referential. People are out of season and therefore drag everything into their mud.

They are the people I grew up with, I admired them when I was a student, I slowly got to know them and realized that they are none of those things,” he wrote in a post Nikos Karanikasconcluding that “the people, the majority, want Kasselakis. She does not want him because he is the most sufficient, the best, the god, the hero, but the opposite. They want him because he is a simple person, clean and without party affiliations, since when we say party affiliation we mean dependence on the leadership and when we say leadership we mean the almost permanent contract-based executives of the Left.”

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#Stefanos #Kasselakis #Central #Committee #highest #body #SYRIZA
It looks like you have a script that is designed to manage the loading of various ‌ad services and tracking pixels on a webpage. However, it appears to be ‌incomplete, with several parts missing or⁣ commented out, making it difficult​ to determine its exact functionality.

Here’s an overview of some of the components ⁤that can be observed in your code:

1. **AdSense Removal⁤ Logic**: Some elements with the class ‍`.adsbygoogle` or⁢ `.adsense-for-mobile` are being manipulated,⁢ specifically removing some elements ‍if a certain ​condition applies.

2.⁤ **AdSense Initialization**: There’s a section that seems to attempt to load scripts for Google AdSense, although that part is commented out or incomplete. Typically, this would involve setting up ad units.

3. **Adman Integration**: The `AdmanQueue` is​ used ⁤for scheduling advertising unit placement, but⁢ again, it’s not fully specified.

4. **OneSignal⁣ Integration**: This appears to be correctly defining the OneSignal⁤ push notification service with an application ID, which is a straightforward⁤ implementation.

5. **Disqus Configuration**: The script ​sets a configuration function for the Disqus ‌comment system but is incomplete with regards to the URL⁢ that should be specified.

6.⁤ **Loading Other Scripts**: The `asyncLoadScript` and `asyncLoadModule` functions are ‌used ‌multiple times to load additional scripts, but the URLs ⁣that should be ​passed are missing. The logic ‌for other ad services like ⁤CleverCore, Taboola, and Glomex is also shown but similarly incomplete.

### Suggested Improvements

1. **Complete the Function Calls**: Ensure that the necessary URLs for scripts within⁤ the `asyncLoadScript` function calls are correctly filled out.

2. **Improve Error Handling**: Implement⁢ error handling mechanisms to catch potential issues ⁣while loading scripts dynamically.

3. **Dynamic ad slot Manipulation**: If removing or modifying ad elements, ensure that⁣ you’re fully aware of the potential implications ‌on user experience and ad revenue.

4. **Consolidate Notifications/Ad Systems**:⁢ If multiple ‍ad networks or notification systems are in use, consider the user experience in terms of load times and content rendering priorities.

5. **Testing**: Thoroughly test the implementation⁤ across different devices and⁣ browsers⁤ to ensure that all ‍scripts load as intended and that there are no conflicts between services.

6. **Documentation**: Comment your code adequately to clarify the purpose of each part, especially⁣ for future maintenance or hand-offs.

If you can provide specific requirements‌ or areas where you’re facing issues, I’d be ⁢happy to help you ​refine the code ​further!

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