Stefanos Kasselakis: Dismiss Kikilia now

Peloponnese Newsroom

“If the fire was detected at its beginning and traveled 40 kilometers over two days and nights to reach burning houses in Vrilissia and Chalandri and stop on the cement, this means two things:

1. Mr. Kikilias proves with a video his complete incompetence.

2. He exposes his political superior, Mr. Mitsotakis, revealing the absolute inadequacy of the fire-fighting means”, he notes and adds:

“In a five-year period when the country had money to invest, the Mitsotakis governments preferred the mothers’ party to fire protection. This is the bitter truth.”

“Also, they are lying about the aircraft they allegedly flew: leave the paintings and show us the video I saw with my own eyes. In conclusion, I repeat: Expel Kikilia now”, concludes St. Kasselakis.

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#Stefanos #Kasselakis #Dismiss #Kikilia



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