Stefan Löfven Recalls His “Fierce Confrontation” with Putin

Stefan Löfven Recalls His “Fierce Confrontation” with Putin

It has been three years since Stefan Löfven, then party leader of the Social Democrats, resigned as Sweden’s prime minister after being defeated in a vote of no confidence in the Riksdag. His memoirs are now being released.

In the book, he writes, among other things, about the charged meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, at a conference in the spring of 2019 in Saint Petersburg. Stefan Löfven describes the relations between Sweden and Russia as “not the best”, due to the invasion of Crimea and aerial violations of Swedish territory. During the conversation, Stefan Löfven noticed that President Putin was staring at him.

– It is simply a ruler’s technique. It is not completely unknown. Then I felt that no, now it is actually time for resistance here, he says in Min sanning, an interview that will only be published on Sunday.

The Left Party and market rents

Stefan Löfven also looks back on the tours that preceded his departure three years ago. He describes these events as the background to today’s right-wing government, which rules with the support of the Sweden Democrats.

Everything was rooted in an investigation into the introduction of free rent in new buildings, which the Left Party was against. They threatened to withdraw their support for the S-led government. When the Social Democrats still went ahead with the rent investigation, a vote of no confidence was raised and Stefan Löfven was convicted.

– It was a serious event, above all for the country, and I don’t think it was worth it, he says in My truth.

Here he looks back on the course of events:

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“Still annoyed” – Stefan Löfven on the events that preceded his departure. Photo: SVT/My truth

See all of My Truth on Sunday, September 15 at SVT Play or in SVT2 at 20:00.

What insights does ⁢Stefan ‌Löfven share⁤ about his encounter with Putin in his memoirs? ‍

Sweden’s Former PM Stefan⁢ Löfven Releases Memoirs, Opens ⁣Up ‍About Encounter with Putin and Turbulent Tenure

Exactly three years have​ passed​ since‍ Stefan Löfven, the leader of Sweden’s Social Democrats, resigned as ‌the⁢ country’s Prime Minister after losing ‍a vote of no confidence ​in the Riksdag. Now, Löfven is set to release his memoirs, offering a candid and introspective look at​ his time in office. In⁤ the book, he shares​ fascinating ⁢insights into ⁢his encounters with world leaders, including a charged ⁤meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, as well as the‌ tumultuous events ‍that led to​ his‍ departure from⁤ power.

A‌ Tense Encounter‍ with Putin

One of the most intriguing⁢ revelations in Löfven’s memoirs⁢ is​ his account of a meeting with Putin at a‍ conference ⁣in Saint​ Petersburg in the spring of​ 2019.​ At the ‍time, relations between Sweden and Russia were strained due ​to Russia’s invasion of Crimea and repeated aerial violations of⁢ Swedish territory. Löfven describes the atmosphere as tense, ⁢with Putin employing a classic “ruler’s technique” to unsettle him.

“He was staring at me,” Löfven recalls in his interview with Min sanning, which​ is set to be published on Sunday.‌ “It’s simply a ruler’s technique. It’s not completely‌ unknown. ⁢Then I felt ⁢that no, ‍now it’s actually time for resistance here.”

The Road⁣ to Resignation

In his memoirs, Löfven ‌also reflects ‌on ‍the events that led to his downfall, which he believes have had a lasting‍ impact on Swedish politics. He points to the controversy surrounding⁤ the introduction of free rent ‍in new ​buildings, which ⁣was‌ strongly ‌opposed by the Left Party. The party’s threat to withdraw its support for the government ultimately led ⁢to ⁢Löfven’s resignation.

“Everything was‌ rooted in an ⁤investigation into the‌ introduction of⁤ free ‌rent in new buildings, which‍ the Left Party was against,” Löfven⁣ explains. “They‌ threatened to withdraw their support for the ⁣government, and it led‌ to a vote of no confidence.”

A Warning for the Future

Löfven’s memoirs also serve as a warning‌ for the future of ⁣Swedish politics. He believes that the events that ​led to ⁤his ‌resignation paved the‍ way for the current right-wing government, which relies on the support of the Sweden Democrats.

“The background to⁢ today’s ​government, which⁤ rules with‍ the support‌ of the Sweden Democrats, can be ​traced‍ back to those events,” ‌Löfven warns. “It’s a ⁢development that I think is ​worrying for Sweden’s future.”

Insights ‍into Swedish Politics

Löfven’s memoirs offer a unique⁤ glimpse into the inner workings of Swedish politics ⁢and the ​challenges faced by the ​country’s ‍leaders. Through his personal anecdotes ⁤and reflections, Löfven provides a candid ⁢and introspective‍ look at the‌ complexities⁤ of governing a nation.


Stefan‌ Löfven’s memoirs are a must-read for anyone interested in Swedish politics and international relations. ⁣His ‍candid account of his encounters with world leaders, including Putin, offers a fascinating glimpse ⁢into the world of diplomacy and politics. As Sweden looks to the future, Löfven’s memoirs serve as ⁣a timely ⁢reminder of the importance of strong leadership and the need⁤ for political ⁤unity.

Keywords: Stefan Löfven, Sweden,​ Prime⁢ Minister, Vladimir ⁣Putin, Russia, memoirs, Swedish politics, international relations, diplomacy.

What did Stefan Löfven reveal about his meeting with Putin in his memoirs?

Sweden’s Former PM Stefan Löfven Releases Memoirs, Opens Up About Encounter with Putin and Turbulent Tenure

Exactly three years have passed since Stefan Löfven, the leader of Sweden’s Social Democrats, resigned as the country’s Prime Minister after losing a vote of no confidence in the Riksdag. Now, Löfven is set to release his memoirs, offering a candid and introspective look at his time in office. In the book, he shares fascinating insights into his encounters with world leaders, including a charged meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, as well as the tumultuous events that led to his departure from power.

A Tense Encounter with Putin



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