Steam’s “Phantom Beast Palu” exceeded 370,000 online peaks on the first day of its launch, establishing a self-sufficient fantasy beast labor camp | 4Gamers

2024-01-19 18:06:56

The new open world game “Palworld”, which combines elements of many famous games, was officially launched on Xbox Game Pass and Steam Early Access yesterday (19th) followingnoon, and achieved outstanding results on the first day on Steam. Players also The online peak exceeded 370,000 people.

“Fantasy Parlu” is the latest work developed by the Japanese company Pocketpair following “Craftopia”. The game combines the treasure-catching gameplay familiar to players, the action elements of the green long-eared warrior, and the well-known Viking survival construction. Element stitching has received widespread attention overseas before it was launched on the market.

Now, on the first day of the game’s launch, in less than half a day, the number of concurrent players has reached 370,128, and it has also received extremely positive reviews on Steam. This result far exceeds Pocketpair’s previous number of 27,246 simultaneous players in “Elysium”.

Although the launch has achieved good results, the official server and social server of “Eidolon Palu” can only accommodate up to 32 people each. If the player starts the game solo, he will focus on his own world. Up to 4 players can play together through invitation codes, but the characters will only remain in the host’s world.

Therefore, if a group of more than 4 players wants to play together, it must go through the official server or social server. Players canofficial teachingSet up a community server.

However, a small problem currently is that the current server search page displays at most 200 results at a time. If they are not displayed, the established servers cannot be found through keyword searches.

In other words, you have to display the next 200 server lists one by one until a server set up by a friend may appear and you can find it through keywords. Otherwise, you have to type in the Domain IP name to enter directly.

As for what “Phantom Beast Palu” is playing, I believe that many players who have paid attention to this game beforehand know a little bit regarding it. It is nothing more than upgrading technology, unlocking more useful buildings and equipment, and then capturing Phantom Beast users. It works in a stronghold to achieve self-sufficiency in the Phantom Beast Labor Camp.

Don’t forget, each fantasy beast has special skills, so choosing a useful fantasy beast can be used as a “weapon” in this game’s battle, whether it’s grabbing a sheep as a shield, or grabbing a firefox as a shield. The flamethrower is the scope of reasonable use of fantasy beasts.

The new open-world fantasy beast collection “Phantom Beast Palu”, which stitches together various masterpieces, has launched early access on Steam on January 19, 2024. The overseas price is US$29.99, and the standard price in Taiwan is NT$488 yuan. Currently 10% listing discount.

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