“Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep” (Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep) is currently launching a one-week limited-time free event on Steam. Just log in to the Steam platform and go to the store page to claim the game and save it permanently in the collection library .
“Little Tina Assault on Dragon Castle” is the DLC content of “Borderlands 2” (Borderlands 2) created by the Gearbox team in 2013. The popular character of the original work, Little Tina, plays the leading role in order to break the fourth wall. The humor and excellent first-person shooting performance have been well received, but this time it is decided to make it independent and turn it into a new game to sell.
This game was released for free for a limited time on the Epic Games Store platform in 2021. If players who did not receive it at that time, now have the opportunity to get this game on Steam.
Steam “Fantasy Paradise Adventure: Little Tina Strikes Dragon Castle” is free for a limited time only until 1:00 am on March 24th, and you can keep it forever if you get it for free.