Steam green hat new work “Cuckold Life Simulator” cuckold man wanted to reprimand loudly, but the coach was too big and had to be turned into an adapter | 4Gamers

Not only on DLsite, Steam also had some adult games that described the theme of “Cuckold” (Cuckold), usually describing the story of the husband’s pleasure in spying on his wife’s infidelity, but apparently the new work of “Cuckold Life Simulator” (Cuckold Life Simulator) The brain hole of the book is bigger-it describes the story of a cuckold from catching rape to turning into an adapter.

The game content of “Cuckold Life Simulator” is actually only 10 days of stories and animations, and there is no real life simulation. Its name should be the well-received funny game “Cuckold Simulation” in 2021. Simulator) with a slightly changed game name.

The story of “Cuckold Life Simulation” describes that the green hat husband Slavek paid his wife Karen to invite a Pilates fitness trainer to come to his home for private training, but on the first day, Karen and the trainer immediately had a piston sports. Although he was angry for a while, he was excited at the same time, so he decided to observe secretly.




There are dialogue options during the game, but it does not actually affect the development of the process. On the third day, Slavek, who was cuckolded, was found by his wife and coach hiding in the cupboard. It was too big, like a torrential river of admiration flooded out of control and chose to come out of the closet.

Therefore, Slavek first accompanied his wife and coach to do stretching and squatting exercises, and then developed into a three-person linkage within a few days. During this process, Slavek was also defeated by the fitness coach’s big muscles, and developed into a threesome serving the coach with his wife. .



There are a total of 10 3D animations in this work that illustrate the joy of Slavek’s greenery, and many Steam players left recommendations in the comment area that were confusing but not only played by him.

The new adult work “Green Hat Life Simulator” has been on the Steam platform on New Year’s Eve this year, which is quite suitable as a gift for your gentleman friend who wants to perform photosynthesis.



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