Steam Deck can now run genuine game cartridges with third-party Game Boy adapters

The latest handheld PC console Steam Deck created by Valve not only has the powerful performance to play a large lineup of game works on the Steam platform, but also has a very high degree of freedom in the system of the console itself, allowing players to install various operating systems by themselves. And software, coupled with the portability of the host itself, many players gradually realized the potential of Steam Deck in emulators, even Valve officials accidentally displayed the Nintendo Switch emulator application in the promotional image, and then Delete the text immediately. In addition to emulator software that mainly uses ROMs, Steam Deck now even has the opportunity to run genuine cartridges for Nintendo’s classic handheld Game Boy directly through an external reader.

The third-party adapter was created by an independent development company called Epilogue, which claims to have a mission that must “preserve video game history without compromise.” Prior to this, they have created an adapter GB Operator for the PC platform that can run Nintendo’s official genuine Game Boy, Game Boy Color and Game Boy Advance game cartridges, and sell them on their official website. To run this adapter, users must first download Epilogue’s special software Operator, which includes an mGBA emulator capable of running games from official GB cartridges.

According to the latest news released by Epilogue’s official Twitter account, the company’s GB Operator adapter and accompanying operating programs are now officially compatible with the Steam Deck console. This means that Steam Deck players can plug in the GB Operator adapter directly from the USB-C slot on the console and play with their favorite Game Boy series handheld cassettes. While this adapter has to utilize an additional USB-C cable, it’s quite lightweight and portable.

As of now, the GB Operator adapter is priced at $49.99 including shipping on Epilogue’s official website, and the company has confirmed that the adapter is still fully stocked, and almost any order can be shipped quickly. Let interested players get it as soon as possible. It is worth mentioning that since the Steam Deck itself has only one USB-C slot, this adapter cannot be used at the same time with the dock that also needs to occupy a slot. In addition to the cassettes for the GB series handhelds, Epilogue also confirmed that they are currently working on an adapter for super-duty cassettes, and said that they will continue to update the latest situation on official social media.

Some players may worry regarding the legitimacy of the GB Operator adapter itself. After all, although the official Nintendo game cartridge is used, in the actual running part, you still have to rely on the unofficial emulator software that comes with Epilogue. Games for the series of handhelds run on Windows and Linux operating systems. However, considering that the GB Operator adapter has actually been on the shelves for a long time, and Nintendo is famous for protecting the copyrights of its games, if this adapter really stepped on the official red line, it should have been banned long ago. It’s completely removed.

And being able to use the GB Adapter on the Steam Deck is bound to excite many players who want to relive the convenience of the GB series handhelds. After all, many who have owned Game Boy, Game Boy Color and Game Boy Advance may have lost these handhelds for some reason. And if those players have bought Valve’s latest handheld PC, they’ll now have a chance to relive the excitement, but only if they have a way to get their hands on the game cartridge.



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