Stay Road Tax Compliant: What to Expect from Control Brigades in Wallonia

Stay Road Tax Compliant: What to Expect from Control Brigades in Wallonia

2024-03-13 14:09:17

Be careful if you are not in compliance with road tax: this is what will happen to you if you come across an inspection brigade

Last year, the Control Brigades issued 5,659 tickets. on Walloon roads for a total of 3.6 million euros.

A camera to see if you are in compliance. -SPW

By Yannick Hallet Journalist in the General Editorial Staff Published on 03/06/2024 at 6:30 p.m.

Their role is to travel the roads of Wallonia and identify vehicles that are not in compliance with the annual road tax. Last year, the five Control Brigades were not idle.

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“Some 5,659 reports were drawn up for a total of €3,658,656.64,” figures Stéphanie Ernoux, spokesperson for the Walloon Public Service. This amount includes taxes due, plus a fine for failure to pay or register.

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In fact, of the 5,659 tickets, 5,113 concerned payment defaults and 158 registration defaults. The rest of the balance sheet is made up of 294 offenses relating to “distinctive tax signs”. The SDF is the document sent to the taxpayer when the road tax has been paid, and which must always accompany the trailer in circulation. To this must be added 94 offenses regarding commercial plates. We are talking here regarding Y (test), Z (merchant) or V (professional) license plates.

When it intercepts you, the Control Brigade’s mission is to make you pay immediately on the spot. And if the taxpayer is reluctant, “the decree provides that we can go as far as seizing the vehicle on public roads,” warns Stéphanie Ernoux. There is an alternative before bringing out the heavy artillery. When the amount is not collected by the controlling agents, the vehicle documents are retained and handed over to the recovery services. These then take action: bailiff, wage garnishment, etc.

“The ability to pay the tax within a very short time following the inspection is an indicator of the economic situation of a population. The payment rate varies greatly from one region to another and even from one period to another,” underlines the SPW spokesperson. Concretely, the Brigades collected directly at the roadside 1.826 million out of the total 3.6 million tickets. erected.

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Last year, the Brigades were not only interested in unpaid road taxes. They hunted down bad payers of the kilometer tax owed by trucks weighing more than 3.5 tonnes. In all, 2,828 p.-v. were established. Some truck drivers accumulate infractions, these 2,828 fines. concern a total of 5,727 offenses worth together 3; €037,133. Of this sum, €2,086,983 was collected by the control brigades.

#risk #fine #euros

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