Stay healthy.. simple ways to prevent 5 diseases

You can prevent diseases or even reduce their risks to your body if you follow many lifestyle modifications and reduce the stress around you, making you less likely to get sick. In this report, simple ways to prevent 5 diseases, according to the website “health“.

According to Dr. Jayant Thakuria, Senior Consultant Internal Medicine from Fortis Escorts Hospital, India, most diseases can be prevented if we have a proper lifestyle and if we can treat them early, almost 80% of the diseases we suffer nowadays can be prevented if we can cure them. correctly.

Easy ways to prevent complications from 5 diseases

Type 2 diabetes

Prepare Type 2 diabetes A serious, long-term medical condition that often develops in adults, but is becoming more common in children. Several factors contribute to type 2 diabetes. Being overweight or obese is the biggest risk factor. This condition can be life-threatening, but if treated carefully, it can be managed or even reversed.

Monitoring blood sugar levels and using medication/insulin, when needed, can help prevent diabetes.

Losing weight through diet and exercise can also help prevent diabetes.


Obesity is not a disease, but it may increase the risk of a wide range of health conditions, some of which can be life-threatening. Obesity can lead to heart disease, stroke, body aches, gallbladder disease, etc.

In most cases, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, avoiding trans fats and saturated fats, reducing sugar intake, slowing down eating, etc. can help avoid obesity..

Pressure nervous

Nowadays, people suffer from a lot of stress, which causes a number of diseases.

Chronic stress affects the body and contributes to everything from high blood pressure and heart disease to anxiety and digestive disorders.

Stress management helps control or reduce many chronic conditions. Regular exercise, a healthy diet, and proper sleep can help manage stress..

Immunity deficiency Virus

HIV is one of the most common diseases today if treated in time, we can prevent further damage to our body and proper and regular treatment of HIV patients with antiretroviral therapy can help.


If treated early, we can prevent further damage to the lungs or any part of the body. For active tuberculosis, treatment is given with a combination of antibacterial drugs for a period of time.

The patient should continue to take the medication as prescribed by the doctor, because not completing the entire course of treatment can also contribute to drug-resistant tuberculosis.

This combination of antibacterial drugs can cure disease, if treated properly.

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