Statutory Health Law should be a priority in Colombia: Academia

Different health organizations in the country, through the National Academy of Medicine, within the framework of the National Health Forum, presented the importance of the Statutory Health Law, passed in 2015, to the representatives of the presidential candidates.

The vice president of the National Academy of Medicine, Gabriel Carrasquilla, was in charge of presenting the 14 points in which they exposed the main problems of the health sector. “It has a fundamental concept as it is the right to health and that is what all these medical organizations want to develop”, he indicated.

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held that There should be no barriers to care You cannot depend on market mechanisms and the State has to guarantee that right with all the actors that may exist.

“New sources of financing are required, thus preventing health from being marketed and human talent from having a personal status, strengthened by the public network of services,” he said.

They also called for the improvement of the contractual system for doctors in Colombia who are outsourced without valuing the work of health professionals.

Various associations such as the National Academy of Medicine, the Colombian Medical Federation, the Colombian Association of Scientific Societies, the Colombian Trade Union Medical Association, the Medical Association of Cundinamarca and Bogotá, Asmedas Cundinamarca, the National Association of Nurses of Colombia, the National Technical Council of Nursing, the National Association of Health Professionals (ASSOSALUD) and the National Federation of Medical Unions, requested a frontal fight against corruption that is evident with concern in the health sector.

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In this sense, they called for the strengthening of the National Superintendency of Health so that it can carry out its role of inspection, surveillance and control.

The experts agreed that it is necessary to improve care in the public sectorafter the pandemic revealed deficiencies in the system.

These are the 14 points of the health sector presented:

1. Fully develop the Statutory Health Law 1751 of 2015.

2. Redefine the health system.

3. Fundamental right to health.

4. Stewardship of the health system-National Health Council (cns).

5. Health benefits.

6. Primary Health Care (PHC).

7. Health care model-Comprehensive Health Networks.

8. General strengthening of the public service network.

9. Autonomy of health professional POS.

10. Labor conditions in the sector.

11. Financial aspects.

12. Measures against corruption.

13. Pharmaceutical policy.

14. National Health Superintendence.

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