Statement by the People’s Assembly of the Syrian Arab Republic, condemning … – CubaMinrex

Statement by the People’s Assembly of the Syrian Arab Republic, condemning … – CubaMinrex

Syrian Arab Republic

People’s Assembly

Declaration of the People’s Assembly condemning Washington’s decision to keep the name of the Republic of Cuba on the list of countries sponsoring terrorism.

Successive US administrations in Washington continue to pursue their aggressive and arbitrary approach of imposing sanctions on countries and people who do not act in harmony with their authoritarian and arrogant policies, and reject their hegemonic dictates and plans, and defend their freedom, sovereignty, national dignity and independent decision.

The People’s Assembly of the Syrian Arab Republic strongly condemns and rejects the announcement by the US State Department to maintain the name of the Republic of Cuba on the US list of states sponsoring terrorism, and to remove only the name of Cuba from the list of countries that do not cooperate with US efforts to eradicate terrorism completely.

This dangerous decision will only lead to increased and escalated tensions on the international stage, and clearly shows the intransigence of the United States in pursuing a policy of double standards in dealing with countries and peoples according to its interests and whims. An example of this is Washington’s illegal presence and occupation of parts of the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic and its continued theft and plundering of the wealth and resources of the Syrian people, in addition to ignoring the daily massacres committed by the Israeli and Zionist occupation forces against our brothers in Palestine in general, and Gaza in particular, for months.

The United States also turns a blind eye to Israeli violations and heinous crimes on the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic.

The People’s Assembly of the Syrian Arab Republic expresses its full solidarity with the National Assembly of People’s Power of the Republic of Cuba and with the friendly people in the face of this unjust decision, and expresses full confidence that the steadfast people of Cuba who have resisted the unjust US blockade for more than half a century are capable of thwarting all US plans.

We call on all national assemblies and parliaments, and on regional and international parliamentary federations and organisations to condemn this decision and to support the oppressed and attacked peoples, and to allow them to live like other peoples: in peace, security and stability.

Damascus, August 15, 2024

People’s Assembly in the Syrian Arab Republic




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