State wreck. Live Wednesday at 20.30

Almost 100 people dead or missing a few meters from the Crotone beach of Steccato di Cutro. This is the balance sheet of the shipwreck of Sunday 26 February. An event that uncovered the contradictions and ambiguities of the sea rescue system for migrants.

Who chose to field a police operation? Why didn’t the Coast Guard intervene? How does the institutional bailout chain of command work?

But also: what happened between the last major shipwrecks of 2013 and that of Crotone? Between the persecution of NGOs and growing limits to the interventions of the coast guard in the central Mediterranean, there is a distortion of the search and rescue mechanisms that refer to a millenary culture of the sea legally codified by the international conventions of the last century.

We’ll talk about it live on Wednesday at 20.30 after the information given to the House and Senate by Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi.

The following will be guests of the Digital Manifesto Collective:

Victor Alexanderadmiral and former Coast Guard speaker
Anabel Montes Mierrescuer of Médecins Sans Frontières
Sergio Scanduracorrespondent from Sicily for Radio Radicale

Moderate: Giansandro Merli

To interact with guests the space of the digital Collective is now openall subscribers or supporters through membership can intervene by logging in with the same credentials used for our site.

The live will also be visible on the homepage of the site.

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