“State welfare card” Poor people’s card. Check it out. August 2022. When does the money come in?

progress following The cabinet has approved a new round of cost-of-living measures for three months to help alleviate the suffering of people affected by high oil prices. on the part of the holderpoor man card” or “state welfare card” will be extended the period of aid measurescooking gas discount 100 baht/person/ 3 months during July-September 2022 andold age allowance

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Bangkok online business“Continuing Report on Incoming Payments”state welfare card” or “poor man card” and “old age allowance” of Comptroller General’s Department What rights do you have during August 2022? And what date will it be? as follows

Every 1st day of the month (Cannot withdraw in cash and not accumulated in the following month)

– Purchase limit of 200/300 baht per month

– Discount on the purchase of cooking gas 100 baht per 3 months (Jul. – Sept. 65)

– Travel expenses include

  • Bus fare: 500 baht per month
  • Train fare 500 baht per month
  • train fare (MRT/BTS/ARL) and BMTA 500 baht per month (for holders of government welfare cards residing in Bangkok and its vicinity)

Every 15th of the month (Can withdraw in cash and can accumulate in the next month)

– Subsistence allowance for low-income elderly or “old age allowance” who are entitled to the state welfare registration program 50/100 baht per month (elders who are entitled from Oct. 64 – Jul. 65 will receive money “state welfare card” or “poor man card” in April – Sept. 65)

Every 18th day of the month (Can withdraw in cash and can accumulate in the next month)

– Electricity bill refund not more than 315 baht per household per month (forState welfare card holders that uses electricity not more than 315 baht per month)

– Water bill refund not more than 100 baht per household per month (For holders of state welfare cards who use tap water not more than 315 baht per month, will receive a refund of water bill not more than 100 baht. The excess of 100 baht is paid by the cardholder.)

Every 22nd day of the month (Can withdraw in cash and can accumulate in the next month)

– Additional money for disability premium 200 baht per month (for holders of “state welfare card” or “poor man cardwith a disability identification card and receiving disability allowance)

This is for people to receive information from the Comptroller General’s Department. Ministry of Finance can be tracked atThe Comptroller General’s Department website or call 0-2127-7000

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