State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission: In 2024, the efficiency of central enterprises will steadily increase, and total profits, net profits and net profits attributable to the parent company will grow collaboratively.

2023-12-26 09:44:24

From December 25 to 26, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council convened a meeting of heads of central enterprises to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party and the Central Economic Work Conference, summarize the work of state-owned central enterprises in 2023, and study and deploy key tasks for 2024.

Zhang Yuzhuo, Secretary and Director of the Party Committee of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, attended the meeting and delivered a speech, emphasizing the need to deepen the implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important exposition on the reform and development of state-owned enterprises and party building, implement the deployment requirements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council leaders, and uphold and strengthen the party’s supervision of state-owned central enterprises. The overall leadership of the Party Central Committee will focus on strengthening core functions and improving core competitiveness, in-depth implementation of the reform and deepening of state-owned enterprise reforms, focusing on improving the innovation and value creation capabilities of central enterprises, promoting the “three concentrations” of state-owned capital, accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system, and realizing High-quality development will give better play to the role of technological innovation, industrial control, and security support, and make new contributions to the continuous promotion of effective qualitative improvement and reasonable quantitative growth of the economy, and to comprehensively promote the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization.

Members of the Party Committee of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council attended the meeting.

The meeting pointed out that in 2023, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, state-owned central enterprises will firmly grasp the theme of high-quality development, adhere to the general tone of the work of seeking progress while maintaining stability, move forward under pressure, overcome difficulties, and achieve high-quality development Take solid steps. The value creation orientation of central enterprises has become more clear. From January to November, the total profit was 2.4 trillion yuan, the cumulative investment in fixed assets was 4.1 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 9.1%, and the R&D investment was more than 900 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of nearly 70 billion yuan. The development quality of enterprises is better and the foundation is more solid; the layout of modern industries is accelerated in an all-round way, strategic emerging industries and future industries are laid out with unprecedented intensity, the upgrading and transformation of traditional industries is accelerated and the quality is improved, and the protection of important energy resources is continuously strengthened; the intensity of scientific and technological innovation is significantly increased, and enterprises The main status of scientific and technological innovation, the construction of innovation systems, and the output of innovative results continue to be strengthened; the deepening and upgrading of state-owned enterprise reforms has been launched, the implementation of key reform tasks has been accelerated, and the efficiency of regulatory services has been continuously improved; the service to the “big country” has been resolute and powerful, and regional strategic docking has been achieved New progress has been made to protect people’s livelihood and the overall situation regardless of costs, and new results have been achieved in opening up and cooperation; the party’s leadership and party building have been further strengthened, ideological and political guidance has been continuously strengthened, the quality of party building work has been further improved, and the work style and discipline have been strictly enforced and anti-corruption has been continued to be strict, and the atmosphere has been clean. The positive political ecology continues to be consolidated.

The meeting emphasized that we must resolutely fulfill the important mission assigned by the Party Central Committee to state-owned central enterprises in the new era and new journey, adhere to high-quality development as the absolute principle, in-depth promote layout optimization and structural adjustment, and promote the continuous transformation of state-owned capital into areas related to national security and the lifeline of the national economy. Concentrate on important industries and key areas that are related to the national economy and people’s livelihood, such as the provision of public services, emergency response capacity building and public welfare, and focus on forward-looking strategic emerging industries. Enterprises must focus on enhancing core functions and improving core competitiveness, highlight key points, grasp the key points, and pay more attention to improving value in five aspects, that is, pay more attention to increasing added value, further establish a correct outlook on development and performance, and unswervingly develop and strengthen state-owned enterprises. Economy, increase the contribution of central enterprises to the growth of the national economy; pay more attention to improving functional value, further strengthen strategic awareness and functional orientation, realize the organic unity of economic attributes, political attributes, and social attributes at a high level, and better reflect it in serving national strategic goals and the status and role of the overall modernization drive; pay more attention to increasing economic added value, optimizing capital investment direction and layout, resolutely curbing blind investment impulses, reducing inefficient and ineffective capital occupation, forming more profitable income, profits with cash flow, and improving Enterprise operating efficiency and quality; pay more attention to increasing the proportion of income and added value of strategic emerging industries, further enhance the sense of crisis and urgency to accelerate industrial upgrading and build a modern industrial system, accelerate the shift to innovation-driven connotative growth, and vigorously promote new industrialization, Create new industry pillars, increase efforts to develop new productive forces; pay more attention to improving brand value, establish high goal pursuits, pay attention to off-balance sheet assets, continuously improve the added value of corporate brands and brand leadership, accelerate the construction of world-class enterprises, and serve the country In the strategy, we will continue to become stronger, better and bigger, and better promote the implementation of the Party Central Committee’s decisions and arrangements in state-owned central enterprises.

The meeting emphasized that in order to better promote high-quality development, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission will maintain the overall target management system of “one profit and five rates” for central enterprises in 2024. The specific requirements are “one profit, stable growth, and five rates continued optimization”, that is, central enterprises Efficiency has steadily improved, total profit, net profit and net profit attributable to shareholders have increased synergistically, return on net assets, labor productivity of all employees, and operating cash ratio have improved year-on-year, R&D investment intensity and technological output efficiency have continued to increase, and the overall asset-liability ratio has remained stable. , prevent and resolve risks in high-quality development, and resolutely serve as a strategic force that serves the comprehensive construction of a modern and powerful socialist country, a leading force that drives the comprehensive upgrade of my country’s industrial system, and a supporting force that promotes the country’s economic and social development. It is necessary to do a solid job in the key tasks of reform and development of central enterprises in 2024, focusing on the “six focuses”. Focus on improving quality and efficiency, solidly promote high-quality and stable growth, effectively play the key role of effective investment, continue to strengthen lean operation and management, and promote the continued recovery of my country’s economy; strive to increase scientific and technological innovation work, and implement the new national system in an all-round way , vigorously improve the overall efficiency of innovation, systematically optimize the innovation ecology, and better play the main role of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation; strive to promote layout optimization and structural adjustment, vigorously cultivate new industries and new tracks, continue to promote the transformation of traditional industries to strengthen the foundation, and strengthen the understanding of the industrial chain Leading key links, accelerating the promotion of new industrialization; focusing on deepening the reform of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises, deepening reforms around optimizing resource allocation, improving systems and mechanisms, and improving institutional guarantees, and accelerating the construction of modern new state-owned enterprises; striving to enhance strategic support and underpinning capabilities, and resolutely implement major national strategies deployment, make every effort to safeguard national security, provide solid livelihood services and basic guarantees, and better serve the overall economic and social development; focus on preventing and defusing major risks, resolutely and effectively prevent and control risks in key areas, accelerate the improvement of long-term compliance management mechanisms, and strictly enforce Pay close attention to safety and environmental protection work, and firmly guard the bottom line of safe development.

The meeting emphasized that we must uphold and strengthen the party’s overall leadership over the work of state-owned central enterprises, take inspections and rectifications as an opportunity, focus on consolidating political responsibilities for party management, focus on improving the comprehensive and strict party governance system, and focus on “two maintenances”. “Strengthening the party’s political construction, focusing on the selection, training and effective use of cadres and talents, focusing on consolidating responsibilities and laying a solid foundation for party building at the grassroots level, focusing on concentrating efforts to implement ideological work, focusing on a strict atmosphere, strengthening good conduct, eliminating discipline and anti-corruption, and in the best possible way, We must pay close attention to inspections and rectifications with a strict and pragmatic attitude, comprehensively and systematically improve the quality of party building, and provide a fundamental guarantee for the high-quality development of enterprises.

The meeting requested that we must do a solid job at the end of the year and the beginning of the year. We will make every effort to ensure warmth and supply this winter and next spring, especially during the “two festivals” period, and effectively ensure the use of coal, electricity and gas for heating and livelihood, so as to ensure that the people can spend the winter with peace of mind and warmth. We will tighten the responsibilities for safe production, conduct in-depth investigations of potential safety hazards in key areas, improve emergency plans and preventive measures, and resolutely curb the occurrence of major accidents. We should do a solid and meticulous job in stabilizing petitions, promote the source management of petition problems, effectively eliminate the problem of arrears, ensure the payment of wages to migrant workers, care regarding the lives of employees in need, and take practical matters concerning people’s livelihood into the hearts of the people.

During the meeting, the representatives held group discussions. The main responsible comrades of six enterprises including Ordnance Equipment Group, China National Aviation Development Corporation, China National Offshore Oil Corporation, China Resources Group, China Machinery Engineering Institute, and China Electrical Equipment made exchange speeches.

The Secretary-General and Deputy Secretary-General of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, the main responsible comrades of central enterprises, and the convener of external directors attended the meeting. Responsible comrades from relevant units of central and state agencies were invited to attend the meeting. Responsible comrades from the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, various departments, bureaus, directly affiliated units, and inspection teams attended the meeting.

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