State of Neuquén routes today, Thursday March 30, 2023

Ruta state Portezuelo Grande – Chihuidos – Emp RP 7 Equipment operating. Heavy traffic. Chos Malal – Tricao Malal – Huinganco Court Sectors with saws. Emp. RN 40 – Mariano Moreno – Emp. RP 16 Deformed road. El Huecú – Mallín Largo – Naunauco – Emp. RN 40 Emp. RP 7 (Water Point) – Rincón de los Sauces Equipment and road personnel operating in resurfacing work. Intermittent cuts and diversions. Sectors with potholes. Octavio Pico – Catriel Cruise Mud on the road. Heavy traffic. Acc. to Pata Mora to Acc. Octavio Pico. Sectors with saws. Catriel Cruise – Rincon de los Sauces Heavy traffic. Rincón de los Sauces – Puesto Hernández – Emp. RN 40 Sectors poceados and mud. Equipment operating. Chos Malal – The Cholar poked sectors. El Cholar – Pichachen Normal. Chacaico – Pichachen: INTERNATIONAL PASS ENABLED FROM DECEMBER 2 Neuquén – Centennial – Emp RP 51 Heavy traffic. Lte c/Río Negro – El Cruce (Emp RP 8) Heavy traffic. Emp RP 8 (El Cruce) – Añelo (Emp. RP 17) Caution for accumulation of water and sediments in sectors. Añelo (Emp. RP 17) – Emp. RP 5 Presence of equipment and personnel working on embankment remediation and shoulder stabilization tasks Emp. RP 5 – Los Ranquiles – Emp. RN 40 Sectors with mud on the road and cross sections. Equipment operating. Emp. RP 51 – Emp. RP 7 Heavy traffic. Emp. RP 7 (El Cruce) – Catriel Cruise Sectors with saw. Equipment operating. Los Cruceros – Moquehue (Emp. RP 13) Poked sectors, reduced visibility, loose gravel. Stray animals Moquehue – Norquinco Poked sectors, loose gravel. Equipment operating. Ñorquinco – Emp. RP 23 Puddled sectors, reduced visibility due to suspended dust, loose gravel. Stray animals. Equipment operating. Zapala – First Pines Sectors with potholes. Presence of animals due to transhumance First Pines – Litrán Puddled sectors, reduced visibility due to suspended dust, loose gravel. Presence of animals due to transhumance Litrán – Angostura – Gendarmerie – Batea Mahuida Angostura / Gendarmerie – Icalma Pass Equipment operating. Presence of animals due to transhumance Icalma Pass STEP ENABLED. Zapala (Emp. RN 22) – Covunco Centro Deformed road. Equipment operating. Covunco Centro – Emp RN 40 (Acc. Bajada del Agrio) Equipment operating, partial gravel. Three Stones – Paso de los Indios Raft puddled sectors, reduced visibility, loose gravel Emp. RP 8 – Añelo Sectors with saws. Heavy traffic. Equipment operating. Añelo – Plaza Huincul Precaution for accumulation of water and sediments on the road in sectors Plaza Huincul – Picún Leufú (Emp. RN 237) Sectors with potholes. Emp. RP 23 – Ruca Choroi Sectors poceados and mud. Stray animals. Equipment operating. Emp.RN 40 – Cerro Chapelco Equipment operating in road widening Picún Leufú – Limay Centro – Paso Aguerre – Emp. RN 40 Sectors with mud. Presence of animals due to transhumance Emp. RN 40 (Aguada del Overo) – South Chacaico – Emp. RP 46 (Spine of the Fox) Sectors with mud. Presence of animals due to transhumance Emp. RN 242 – Huarenchenque – Loncopué Presence of animals due to transhumance Loncopué – El Huecú poked sectors. Equipment operating. Presence of animals due to transhumance El Huecú – Mandolegue – El Cholar poked sectors. Presence of animals due to transhumance Neuquen – Arroyito Heavy traffic. Work in progress, respect signage. Arroyito – Plaza Huincul – Cutral-Có Equipment operating. Area with loose animals. Cutral-Có – Zapala Equipment operating. Area with loose animals. Junín de los Andes – Malleo Presence of animals due to transhumance Malleo – Pilo Lil Presence of animals due to transhumance Pilo Lil – Rahue (Emp. RP 46) poked sectors. Rockfall. Equipment operating. Presence of animals due to transhumance Rahue (Emp. RP 46) – Aluminized Equipment and personnel operating in resurfacing work, detours in urban area. Respect the indications of flaggers and signage. Aluminé – Litrán (Emp. RP 13) Sectors with potholes, mud and poceadas. Presence of animals due to transhumance Emp. RP 13 (Litrán) – Pine Hatchet Sectors owned. Equipment operating in paving tasks. Emp. RN 40 (Calcatre) – Las Coloradas – Fortin 1º de Mayo (Emp. RP 46) Sectors with potholes. Loncopué – Riscos Bayos – Hualcupén presence of animals due to transhumance Hualcupén – Cajón Chico – Caviahue presence of animals due to transhumance Caviahue – Copahue Caviahue-Emp. RP No. 27: Poked sectors. Emp. RP Nº 27 to Copahue: CAUTION equipment operating in gravel tasks. Presence of animals due to TRANSHUMANCE Em. RP 33 – Huncal – Ranquilon – Emp. RP 4 poked sectors. Loncopué – Huncal (Emp. RP 10) Sectors pocked and saw. Emp. RN 40 – Quintuco – Emp. RP 10 poked sectors. Emp. RP 2 – Wayle NO WINTER MAINTENANCE Wayle – Laguna Trómen – Emp. RP 53 NO WINTER MAINTENANCE Andacollo – Los Miches poked sectors. Andacollo–Huinganco Equipment and road personnel operating in paving work, detours. Chos Malal – Barrancas Equipment and personnel performing maintenance tasks. Area with loose animals. Las Lajas (Emp. RN 242) – Chos Malal Equipment and personnel performing maintenance tasks. Area with loose animals. Zapala – Las Lajas (Emp. RN 242) Equipment and personnel operating. Area with loose animals. Zapala – La Rinconada (Emp. RN 234) Possible stone fall. Equipment and maintenance personnel. Area with loose animals. La Rinconada – Junin de los Andes – San Martin de los Andes Equipment and personnel performing maintenance tasks. Area with loose animals. San Martin de los Andes – Acc. Chapelco Equipment and personnel operating. Stray animals. Acc. Chapelco – Lago Villarino Stray animals. Lake Villarino – Emp. RN 231 – Villa la Angostura Equipment operating. Area with loose animals. Villa La Angostura – Emp. RN 237 Equipment operating. Area with loose animals. Emp. RN 237 – Pte Río Limay (Lte c/Río Negro) Equipment operating. Area with loose animals. Acc Quila Quina (RN 40) Sectors poceados and mud. MANDATORY CARRYING OF CHAINS. Acc. Lago Hermoso (RN 40) Puddled and muddy sectors Acc. Camping Catritre (RN 40) Sectors poceados and mud. Emp. RP 43 (Caepe Malal) – Aquihueco – Cajón del Curi Leuvú Sectors with saw. Chos Malal – Menucos – Spring Presence of animals due to transhumance Spring – El Llano – Andacollo Presence of animals due to transhumance Andacollo – Cayanta – Bella Vista – Las Ovejas Presence of animals due to transhumance The Sheep – Varvarco – Aº Ailinco Puddled and muddy sectors.. REST: IMPASSABLE Emp. RN 40 (10 km from Zapala) – Emp. RP 24 Road crews operating in resurfacing work. Sectors with potholes. Presence of loose animals Emp. RP 24 – Rahue (Emp. RP 23) Equipment operating. Rahue (Emp. RP 23) – Lago Quillén – Lago Hui Hui Sectors poceados and mud. Equipment operating. San Martin de los Andes – Hua Hum Pass poked sectors. Acc. Bandurrias (RP 48) poked sectors. Acc. Chachin – Lake Queñi (RP 48) poked sectors. Paso Hua Hum poked sectors. Equipment operating. STEP INT. HUA HUM ENABLED. Emp. RN 237 – Emp. RN 234 Sectors poceados and mud. Emp. RP 7 – Emp. RP 8 equipment operating Emp. RN 40 – Emp. RP 62 (Colohuincul) poked sectors. Emp. RP 23 – Lanín PN Cover Lanín National Park Cover – Mamuil Malal Pass (Lte with Chile) Sectors poceados and mud. Mamuil Malal Pass (ex Tromen) Sectors poceados and mud. PASS MAMUIL MALAL ENABLED. Junín de los Andes (Emp. RN 40) – Pte Río Chimehuín – Lake Paimún Sectors poceados and mud. Equipment operating, ripping tasks San Martín de los Andes (Emp. RN 40) – Lake Lolog and Carruhué – Lahuencó Epulafquen – Carrirriñe Pass Deformations in the road. Reduced visibility in gravel section, loose gravel. Lolog access with caution: equipment operating. Carirriñe: IMPASSABLE. Emp. RN 40 – Pte Río Meliquina – Pte Río Filo Hua Hum – Paso Córdoba – Confluencia (Emp. RN 237) Poked sectors, reduced visibility, loose gravel. Recommended max speed 20 km/h. From Camp DPV IMTRANSITABLE Emp. RP 63 – Caleufú – Lake Filo Hua Hum Sectors poceados and mud. Confluence – Villa Traful – El Portezuelo Sectors poceados and mud. Villa Traful – El Portezuelo: Work in progress, respect signage. Recommended max speed 20 km/h Emp. RN 40 – Cerro Bayo Poked sectors, loose gravel. Emp. RN 40 (6 km from Villa la Angostura) – Cardenal Samoré Pass Equipment and personnel performing maintenance tasks. Cardenal Samoré Pass STEP ENABLED. equipment operating La Rinconada (Emp. RN 40) – Pte Collón Curá (Emp. RN 237) Possible stone falls. Loose Animals Area. Equipment and personnel operating. Emp. RN 22 (Arroyito) – Piedra del Águila Equipment and personnel operating. Piedra del Águila – Pte Collón Curá (Emp. RN 234) Equipment and personnel operating. Pte Collón Cura (Emp. RN 234) – Confluencia (Emp. RP 63 and 65) Equipment and personnel operating. Confluence – Emp. RN 40 Equipment and personnel performing maintenance tasks. Area with loose animals. Las Lajas (Emp. RN 40) – Emp. RP 21 . Emp. RP 21 – Emp. RP 23 (at 500m Pino Hachado Customs) Possible rockfall between km 46 and 48. Equipment operating. Emp. RP 23 – Pino Hachado Pass Step Pine Hatchet STEP ENABLED

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