State of exception in the south: Walker assesses Boric’s “difficult decision”, Chahuán warns “fine print”

The government’s decision to give up the idea of ​​the “intermediate state” and decree a constitutional exception in the Southern Macrozone He received support of the DC and the official partieswhile from the opposition they presented objectionsensuring that there is “fine print” in the initiative.

“I want to value President Gabriel Boric’s decision to decree a state of constitutional exception. These decisions are never easy nor do they satisfy everyone, probably not even the partners of their own coalition”He said Senator DC Matías Walkerwho chairs the mixed commission that reviews the critical infrastructure project that created the aforementioned “intermediate state.”

The President made a decision thinking of the greater good of the country and in the main desire that citizens have, which is to protect public order and security,” said Walker.

“Of course We are going to support this measure in the National Congress when the President asks for the extension of the state of exception. We are going to talk with the members of the Joint Commission about the fate of the critical infrastructure project, but from now on I want to assess this presidential decision, which means making a decision that I am sure makes sense to the people,” he said.

From the PC, your helmsman Guillermo Teillier assured that “I believe that what the government originally wanted was to have the support of the Legislative Power, which would have been good, but cSince there was so much delay in the Legislative Power, I think the exit was good.

Natalia Piergentilipresident of the PPD, commented that “the truth is that one always believes that one can do things better in the evaluation, but this week served for political dialogue to build and fine-tune the development plan for the territory of La Araucanía and the Biobío area”.

“Us We would have expected support for the intermediate state, but we agree with the President”said.

Who also gave his support to the decision was the president of the Radical Party, Alberto Robleswho stated that “in La Moneda we support the Government’s plan for a better Araucanía, which deserves a comprehensive plan, with concrete social measures, political dialogue and certainty in security for free transit.”

Opposition Questions

RN President, Francisco Chahuanstated that “the state of emergency announced today by the government it is a state of exception with fine print, which only addresses safety on routes and roads and not in the entire territory of La Araucanía”.

“We have asked that ultimately the safety of each and every one of the inhabitants of the South Macrozone, the Region of La Araucanía and Biobío be safeguarded here,” he stressed.

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Chahuán indicated that “We find it curious that the president of the Communist Party has indicated that he was only willing to take this step and finally the government, guided by the Communist Party, has accepted this approach”.

“We call for the state of exception that we have requested to cover the entire territory of the South Macrozone, that we do not have a state of exception with fine print and we must assume that there can be no ideological bias here when we talk about the security of people We call on the government to reconsider and decree a state of constitutional exception throughout the Region of La Araucanía and Biobío,” he insisted.

“They went around in circles”

For its part, René Muñozmanager of the Association of Forest Contractors, said that “we miss that the Los Ríos Region and the Los Lagos Region are not considered, which are regions that are also being affected, which will be spaces that these terrorist groups will cover seeing themselves cornered and more controlled in the north of the South Macrozone”.

“We hope that the state of emergency decree also considers not only main roads or highways, but also secondary roads.rural roads, strategic roads that connect the different regions,” he added.

Sergio Pérezpresident of the CNTC, stated that “it seems good to us that President Boric has listened to our cry and that of the Chileans, who demand security in the face of the escalation of violence that affects the country and the carriers.”

“It seems wrong to us that the government has been going around in circles to reach the same point that we have been demanding for months. He went the long way around with an improvised bill that didn’t even make it to Congress and lost valuable time to confront the violence,” he stressed.

“We are facing a government that Drive through fog, short-range vision. Short as this limited state of exception, which announces only to get out of the bad step in which it finds itself because there is no roadmap to guide its decisions, “said Pérez.

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