Starting from 2025..the government agrees to assign doctors, pharmacists, and nurses according to need

The Council of Ministers, in its meeting today, Wednesday, approved the appointment of medical teams, including doctors, pharmacists, dentists, physiotherapists, nursing staff and medical technicians, in line with actual needs as of 2025.

According to the official statement, the Cabinet reviewed the recommendations of the Higher Appointments Committee, especially the result of the study of the training and research sector in the Ministry of Health and Population, regarding the number of doctors to be appointed, pharmacists, dentists, physiotherapists, medical staff and medical workers, according to actual needs and numbers of graduates. Colleges, which ends with the allocation of all categories stipulated in the appointment law, according to the actual needs determined by the relevant administrative authorities, as of 2025.

In mid-September, the Ministry of Health and Population discussed the new employment rules and reviewed a study on the number of medical personnel covered by the commissioning law in the Ministry of Health and related authorities. The study included the total number of doctors, pharmacists, nursing specialists and all working health care providers, disability percentage, and average The annual number of university graduates, and the expected average growth over the next five years.

In a related context, Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Health, stated that there is a need to open new fields for pharmacists in cooperation with the Supreme Council of Universities and the Supreme Council of University Hospitals, in line with what is practiced in global health systems, pointing to the importance of appointment requests received from the authorities, expressing a real need. , taking into account the shortage in the number of health care providers and the fair geographical distribution in all governorates.

For his part, a member of the Doctors Syndicate, Ahmed El-Sayed, confirmed that through the presented study, it was confirmed that there is a severe shortage of doctors in general and some medical specialties in particular, such as anesthesia, care, emergency, and family medicine, and that the coming period will increase the number of these specialties. While the study showed an increase in the numbers of some other medical professions, focus was also placed on preserving the advantages of working in remote areas, increasing those advantages, and emphasizing that the movements of prosecutors are at specific times.

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