Started payment of 3rd. July bonus to tweeters of the Patria Card

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This Tuesday, July 19, the payment of the third prize bonus for tweeters of Homeland Card System.

The amounts of these bonuses or prizes were increased on July 12, as you can see below in the table we present.

This bonus or prize is awarded to tweeters who stood out in between July 11 and 17 for disseminating information regarding the Homeland System.

La Plataforma Patria es un sistema de economía digital donde también puedes comprar criptomonedas como bitcoin y petros con el dinero recibido de los bonos y estipendios del Sistema Patria.

It may interest you

These are the new amounts of bonuses to tweeters

These are the new amounts of the bonuses or prizes that will be paid to the outstanding tweeters of the Carnet de la Patria System starting today, Tuesday, July 19, 2022, the channel reported. digital homeland and Telegram

prizes Monto Bs.
1er. Prize Bs.20
2do. Prize Bs.17,40
3er. Premio Bs.14
Mention Award Bs.10

Will the amounts of the Bonds of the Patria Card also increase?

The channel digital homeland informed that in the next few days the increase in amounts of the Social Protection Bonuses that are paid regularly each month.

The last increase in the Homeland Bonds was made on January 14, 2022, as Morocotacoin

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There are already 14 bonuses, stipends and prizes paid in July 2022

Bono Amount
1 Great Mission Homes of the Homeland Bs.7.36 to 27.60
2 Dr. Jose Gregorio Hernandez Bs.13,80
3 Humanized birth Bs.18,40
4 Breastfeeding Bs.18,40
5 100% Schooling (Last week of June) Bs.9,20
6 1st. Family Economy (First week of the month) Bs.9,20
7 100% Greater Love (Pensions) Bs.130
8 Gloriosa Independencia 2022 special bonus Bs.23,20
9 Twitter Awards (1st. Week of July) Bs.20 a Bs.10
10 Twitter Awards (2nd week of July) Bs.20 a Bs.10
11 youth chamba Bs.6
12 We are Venezuela Bs.6
13 1×10 of the Good Government Bs.23,10
14 Tweeters Awards (3rd week of July) Bs.20 a Bs.10

How to receive and use the vouchers of the Carnet de la Patria

Morocotacoin brings you the following guides to solve any problem in case you have not received the Homeland Bonuses.

Here you also have these guides and tutorials on all you can do with your vouchers from the Homeland Card.

Read our news regarding homeland system bonds. Here.

Visit our news section regarding Venezuela. Here.

Here all the tutorials on the petro

sale of petro

  1. From Binance to the PetroApp: how to send and receive bitcoins, litecoins and dash in the petro wallet. Here.
  2. Learn how to transfer petros from the Petroapp to the Patria platform and sell them at the best market price. Here.
  3. Learn how to sell your petros on the Patria Platform. Here.
  4. See how to use VeMonedero to pay or sell in petros. Here.
  5. Find out how to change step by step your petros to bolivars in Amberescoin. Here.
  6. Step by step: how to send petros from the PetroApp to the Amberescoin exchange. Here.
  7. See how to sell your petros on the Venezuela Exchange. Here.

buy petros

  1. Learn how to buy petros on the Venezuela Exchange with this tutorial. Here.
  2. How to buy petros with bolivars at a low price in 8 steps on the Patria Platform. Here.

transfer petros

  1. How to exchange your crypto to another crypto on the PetroApp. Tutorial. Here.
  2. From Binance to the PetroApp: how to send and receive bitcoins, litecoins and dash in the petro wallet. Here.
  3. See how to transfer petros from the Patria Platform to the PetroApp. Here.
  4. You can now transfer petros and bolivars to third parties on the Patria Platform. See the step by step. Here.
  5. Step by step: Learn how to transfer petros and bitcoins to another user through the PetroApp. Here.

Use of the PetroApp and the Patria Platform

  1. In the PetroApp you can now pay the balance of your phone and in just 5 steps. Here.
  2. How to exchange your crypto to another crypto on the PetroApp. Here.
  3. From Binance to the PetroApp: how to send and receive bitcoins, litecoins and dash in the petro wallet. Here.
  4. Learn how to register in the PetroApp step by step. Here.
  5. Learn regarding all the PetroApp options to use the petro. Here.
  6. Learn how to connect your Platform Patria account with the Petroapp to use your petros. Here.
  7. Check the latest updates of the PetroApp. Here.
  8. Learn how to update the PetroApp step by step. Here.
  9. Platform Patria renewed the levels of verification and security of the user profile. Here.
  10. What is the purpose of the certification of the telephone number in the Platform Patria of Venezuela? Here.
  11. Learn how to recover your password to access the Patria Platform. Here.

Remittances with petros and bitcoins to Venezuela

  1. How to send money to Venezuela through Remesas Patria. Tutorial. Here.
  2. Venezuelans will be able to receive remittances in bolivars, bitcoin, litecoin and petros for a maximum of 823.62 dollars. Here.

pay with petro

  1. Discover how to make gasoline payments with petros, bolívares and dollars. Here.
  2. How to receive the bonds of the Motherland and change them to petros to pay for gasoline. Here.
  3. See how to use VeMonedero to pay or sell in petros. Here.
  4. Tutorial of the vePDV application to locate gasoline stations and their forms of payment in Venezuela. Here.
  5. Pay your CLAP combo through the Patria Platform, know the step by step. Here.
  6. Now you can pay basic services with petros on the Patria Platform, know the step by step. Here.
  7. Users can also pay with petro in stores using the PetroApp. Here.
  8. What is the price of the petro today? See how to calculate it. Here.

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