Start of work on the 1st phase of the IIP Mayumba gas-fired thermal power plant project –

Gabon Power Company (GPC), an entity of the Gabonese Strategic Investment Fund (FGIS), launched, on July 13, the development works of roads and various networks (VRD), as well as related infrastructure of the IPP Mayumba gas thermal power plant within the framework of the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) signed between the Gabonese State, GPC and Perenco. The execution of these works was entrusted to the company awarded the contract, Nuez et Fils, a Gabonese company.

The launch of this phase of work took place during the republican tour of His Excellency the President of the Transition, Brigadier General, Brice Clotaire OLIGUI NGUEMA, in the province of Nyanga, where he declared during his speech at the Place de l’Indépendance in Mayumba: “ My dear compatriots, the future of Mayumba looks bright, with the construction of a deep-water port… and the gas-fired power plant. These infrastructures will transform the entire economic activity of the province and even that of the country..”

In accordance with this statement by the Head of State, the promoters of this structuring project, Gabon Power Company and Perenco have therefore accelerated the implementation of the works in order to deliver the first phase of 8.5 megawatts in July 2025. This objective, also supported by the Transitional Government, will contribute to reducing the demand for electricity of the populations and industries located in the south of the country. It will also catalyze new investments promoting the sustainable development of this region. In terms of job opportunities for the local workforce, approximately 450 jobs will be created by this project.

Regarding the potential impacts of the project on people and the environment, a memorandum of understanding governing the compensation measures for local residents was signed between the People Affected by the Project (PAP) and GPC, in the presence of local authorities, in particular the prefect of the Basse Banio department, Mr. ZUE ELLA André and the special delegate of the commune of Mayumba, Colonel MAKOSSO VOUMBI Bachir.

All these advances demonstrate the determination of GPC and its partners to provide innovative solutions in order to quickly carry out structuring projects and thus improve, in the short term, the living conditions of Gabonese men and women living on the national territory, both in urban and rural areas.

Moreover, Mr. Stéphane MBADINGA DITENGHOU, Administrator-General Manager of the Gabonese Strategic Investment Fund (FGIS) added : ” Investing in Gabon in projects that will ensure a better future for future generations is our goal. Thus, through GPC, which has undertaken work on the IPP Mayumba gas-fired thermal power plant, we are demonstrating our commitment to supporting the Gabonese State in improving the living conditions of the population and strengthening the local economy. We are also demonstrating our ability to adapt to current emergencies, particularly in the Gabonese energy sector, which requires the rapid completion of structuring projects in the south of the country aimed at effectively responding to the electricity deficit that prevails there.


Created by the Gabonese Strategic Investment Fund (FGIS) in 2015, Gabon Power Company is the holding company dedicated to financing electricity and drinking water infrastructure projects. A true catalyst for private investment, GPC is currently developing several projects aimed at improving the supply of electricity and water across the country, subject to the best practices of social and environmental responsibility. Its team is mainly made up of experienced Gabonese professionals and its Kinguélé Aval project has obtained the distinction of being the first Gabonese project to integrate the United Nations carbon credit system by avoiding nearly 73,000 tCO2/year. LinkedIn



Perenco Gabon operates oil and gas licenses both offshore and onshore. This oil and gas portfolio is complemented by two offshore floating storage and offloading (FSO) units.

For over 10 years, Perenco has been supplying natural gas to the Libreville and Port-Gentil power plants. The gas is produced onshore, processed according to current specifications and delivered under pressure using a 450 km gas pipeline. Thanks to a large portfolio of exploration permits, the extent of its infrastructure and highly specialized know-how, Perenco is able to meet Gabon’s growing electricity and gas needs in a sustainable manner.


The Gabonese Strategic Investment Fund (FGIS) is the exclusive manager of the Sovereign Fund of the Gabonese Republic (FSRG) and the unallocated holdings of the Gabonese State portfolio. As a financial investment instrument of the Gabonese Republic, intervening in support of government action, the Fund invests in four strategic sectors: infrastructure financing, support for SMEs, regional planning and support for social sectors.

2024-07-30 00:08:35
#Start #work #1st #phase #IIP #Mayumba #gasfired #thermal #power #plant #project



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