Start NEOS #nobodysaysparticipatechallenge | NEOS Parliamentary Club, October 14, 2023

2023-10-14 10:51:04

Hoyos: “We look forward to many suggestions on how we can move Austria forward together. We bring the best ideas to parliament.”

Vienna (OTS) On the occasion of “10 years of NEOS in Parliament”, the NEOS Parliament Club launched the participatory challenge #saysotherwise with a policy slam event in Vienna’s Urania yesterday. “For 10 years, NEOS have been fighting in the National Council once morest corruption and for transparency, for the best education, for real financial relief and for a strong Europe,” says NEOS General Secretary and National Council member Douglas Hoyos. “Then, as now, we focus on the people who want to help shape and advance this country together with us. On the occasion of our anniversary, we invite everyone to get involved in a New Austria and to have the courage to say what no one else says.”

Under Posts, videos, poems, songs, etc. can now be posted. Hoyos: “The citizens of Austria have many ideas and suggestions on how we can make our country better and bring it back to the top. As a citizens’ movement, we give everyone the space and time to be heard and seen. We bring the best ideas to parliament.”

The invitation to participate will also be the focus of NEOS activities at the open day in Parliament on the national holiday. On social networks, the pink National Council Club is currently recalling the most legendary statements from 10 years of work in the House, following the motto “Nobody else says it”. These include Beate Meinl-Reisinger’s “Smart children instead of stuffy politicians” and Matthias Strolz’s outburst of anger “Madam Minister, what’s wrong with you?”

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#Start #NEOS #nobodysaysparticipatechallenge #NEOS #Parliamentary #Club #October

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