“Starship Test Launch Ends in Explosion and Severe Damage to Launch Pad – Impact on NASA Lunar Missions and Rocket Development Progress”

2023-04-24 09:19:00

Securities Times Net News, CCTV news, the US Space Exploration Technology Corporation’s new generation of heavy-duty launch vehicle “Starship” and the spacecraft integration system test-fired on the 20th local time, but the rocket exploded shortly after liftoff. According to a report by Agence France-Presse on the 24th, the launch caused serious damage to the launch pad in Boca Chica, Texas, USA. The repair work is expected to take several months, which may delay the follow-up launch plan and drag down NASA’s use of lunar missions. rocket development progress.

Elon Musk, the founder, CEO and chief engineer of Space Exploration Technologies, said before the first test launch of the “Starship” that as long as the “Starship” can be launched without destroying the launch pad, it is “a victory”. However, the engineers involved in the development may have underestimated the damage to the launch pad caused by the rocket’s dozens of engines.

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