Stars preceded Menna Shalaby.. and fell into the drug trap

She became the Egyptian artist Minnah Shalabi The latest artistic figures to join the drug crisis, after the Cairo Criminal Court ruled, last Thursday, to punish her with a one-year suspended sentence, and fined her 10,000 pounds on charges of obtaining the substance of narcotic hashish with the intention of using it.

That case, which erupted with the return of Menna Shalaby to Egypt, and her arrest at the airport at the end of last November, where she was accused of drug possession.

Sameh Abdel Aziz

To join the Egyptian artist to a list of stars who fell into this trap, where the Egyptian director Sameh Abdel Aziz was arrested 5 years ago in one of the ambushes, after drugs were found with him, and he was convicted and served his sentence.

Dina El-Sherbiny

Dina El-Sherbiny was the most prominent artistic face that went through this experience, as she was exposed to this crisis in her first year in the artistic field, and the security forces arrested her in the Zamalek region.

At the time, she was in the company of an unemployed person in his house while she was taking drugs, which caused her to be imprisoned for a year, and her artistic career almost ended, but after that she obtained an exception from the Actors Syndicate in order to practice the profession.

Ahmed Azmy

Ahmed Azmy

The Egyptian artist Ahmed Azmy did not escape the drug trap, as he fell into it more than once, after he was arrested in 2014 when he was in his home and taking drugs, but he was released due to lack of evidence.

One year later, he was arrested again with narcotic pills in the car, which caused him to receive a 6-month prison sentence that he spent in his entirety.

Farouk al-Fishawi and his son Ahmed

Farouk al-Fishawi and his son Ahmed

The late Farouk Al-Fishawy

The late artist Farouk al-Fishawi admitted he and his son Ahmed used drugs, but al-Fishawi al-Kabir confirmed that his wife Sumaya al-Alfi was the one who stood next to him until he quit.

At the same time, however, he demanded the legalization of cannabis in Egypt, which sparked widespread controversy at the time, and his son caused an uproar with his statements about these matters.

Nevin Mandour

Nevin Mandour

Nevin Mandour

While the great shock that the audience received was from the actress Nevine Mandour, who was known through the movie “The One Who Bali Balak”, but she was arrested after that because of the drug, and she was released on bail.

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After many years of crisis, Nevin came out to talk about the fact that the matter was planned, and that some wanted revenge on her father, so the matter was directed towards her.

The late Magda Al-Khatib

Another famous incident occurred in 1986, with its heroine, the late Magda Al-Khatib, who was arrested with a number of her friends and charged with heroin abuse.

But she denied the matter and confirmed that it was an accessory powder that she used in her films, before the forensic laboratory report convicted her and proved that the substance was heroin, to be imprisoned for a year.

The late Said Saleh

The late artist Saeed Saleh had a story with drugs, as he was arrested in the early nineties of the last century, before he was released, but he was arrested again in Alexandria, and he received a one-year prison sentence, before he was released after two-thirds of the term ended.

Said Saleh

Said Saleh

The late Hatem Zulfiqar

While drugs ended the artistic career of the late artist Hatem Zulfiqar, when he was caught using drugs in a popular neighborhood, and the matter caused his wife to ask for a divorce.

They were not the only ones who fell into the trap, as they were joined by the singer Rico, who was imprisoned for a year because of drugs, while Noha Al-Amrousi escaped from prison, after the tests proved that she did not use drugs.

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