Stars of sport for FC Gütersloh and FSV Gütersloh – The bell

Clubs Show Their Heart: The “Star of Sports” Shines Bright in Gütersloh

Ah, the “Star of Sports.” No, it’s not a new Kenny G album, but rather a commendable initiative in Gütersloh, where local football clubs are being recognised not just for kicking a round ball, but for scoring big in social commitment. Who knew playing football could save the world? Move over, superheroes; we have community clubs flexing their altruistic muscles!

Now, let me tell you about the bronze award winners, FC Gütersloh and FSV Gütersloh. Their merger highlights a strong commitment to foster women’s football. It’s like “The Avengers” but with shin guards! The competition, backed by the Volksbanken, Raiffeisenbanken, and the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB), gives these clubs a well-deserved pat on the back for playing the social game alongside their sport. And honestly, if we get to combine the power of two clubs for a greater good, I’d say it’s a win-win… unless there’s an episode of “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” airing at the same time.

The clubs’ application for the award was a love letter to collaboration as they panned out their merger plans. The pressure of keeping women’s football afloat is like trying to keep a balloon in the air with a needle – a bit tricky, but it’s heartening to see these clubs rise to the occasion, quite literally! They acknowledge that to thrive in today’s performance-oriented sporting environment, they must join forces and embrace each other’s strengths. So, in a way, they are saying, “let’s put the ‘us’ in ‘united’!” Who knew that a game of footy could be so deeply philosophical?

Back to Basics: A Beautiful Reconciliation

The FSV Gütersloh, once a solo operation since its split from FC Gütersloh in 2009, seems to have found a way to take a step back to move forward. Yes, my dear Watsons, they are going back to their roots. And oh, isn’t that just punctuated with drama? After years of chasing their tails and trying to go it alone, they’re hitting the reset button and rekindling the flame of unity. Love in the time of football!

Of course, this isn’t just about a reunion dance; it’s about paving the way for women’s second division football while nurturing future stars. High-class youth teams, second teams, they’re pulling out all the stops to ensure that the pitch is not just a field of dreams, but a launchpad for creating sporting legends. Kudos to you, FC Gütersloh, for taking note of the need for solidarity in this sweaty game.

The Financial Kick

The bronze award isn’t a mere shiny object; it comes with a solid cash boost of €1,500. Apparently, money can indeed buy happiness, at least when it allows clubs to continue their social commitments. It’s all fun and games until someone gets an idea about funding athletes who might actually need it to train instead of going on another Mediterranean holiday! District Administrator Sven Georg Adenauer had a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to say, “This initiative is great!” Couldn’t have said it better myself, Sven! Think of all the good those euros could do… or at least help pay for a round of pints after training.

Shout-Outs to the Runners-Up!

Now let’s not forget the runner-ups because, let’s face it, nobody rides the bench in this social commitment league! RSV Borgholzhausen took home second place and a cheeky €1,000 for their merger efforts, and you have to applaud the spirit of club collaboration among a series of clubs that melded together to form a collective powerhouse. And remember, in football, it’s not just about the goals you score but the friendships you forge… and the trophies you can casually flex on social media.

Additionally, Delbrücker SC snagged third place with a commitment to inclusivity that warms the cockles of even the coldest hearts. Their initiative “Football for Everyone” with 29 youth teams, including those for children with disabilities, is a beautiful reminder that football is a game for all. It’s really hard to kick discrimination out when you’re too busy placing a foot in the community!

In the end, congratulations to all the winners: you’re not just kicking balls, you’re kicking stereotypes to the curb! And isn’t that a cause worthy of a high five? Here’s to the social commitment of these clubs – may their spirits remain as high as their goalposts!

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Clubs are rewarded for their social commitment with the Star of Sport. Local clubs were also among the award winners.

Gütersloh (zog) – The “Star of Sports” in bronze was awarded this year to the clubs FC Gütersloh and FSV Gütersloh. In the competition initiated by the Volksbanken, Raiffeisenbanken and the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB), clubs are honored for social commitment. In their application, the Gütersloh football clubs presented their now well-advanced merger.

Foundation created for competitive sports and youth work

In this way, the two clubs, which are both performance-oriented and rely on comprehensive, basic youth work, are reacting to the increasing demands of the associations on women’s football, which is increasingly threatening the existence of women’s football clubs.

“This was the case with FSV Gütersloh, so in the medium term, in order to ensure performance-oriented women’s football in the club, you have to join a larger (men’s football) club,” it says in the application.

Back to the roots

This means that the Gütersloh women’s sports club (FSV), which in 2009 separated itself as a department from the turbulent FC Gütersloh and founded its own club, is returning to its roots. After years of solid, serious leadership with the men’s team in the regional league, FC Gütersloh now has the structures in place to continue to enable women’s second division football, including high-class youth teams and the second team, in the city of Gütersloh.

Now participating at the state level

The bronze award is endowed with 1,500 euros and enables the winners to participate at the state level, where the silver “Star of Sports” is awarded. The state winners, in turn, take part in the gold award at the federal level. Their winners have been honored by the Federal Chancellor or Federal President since 2004.

“I think the initiative is great. This prepares the ground for sport to continue its social commitment and for athletes to continue training for their success. You can do something with the money,” said District Administrator Sven Georg Adenauer recently during the award ceremony at the Volksbank Delbrück-Rietberg branch in Neuenkirchen.

Second place for RSV Borgholzhausen and Delbrücker SC

The jury, which, in addition to Sven-Georg Adenauer, includes Hans Feuß, chairman of the district sports association and “Glocke” editor Stefan Herzog, honored RSV Borgholzhausen with second place – endowed with 1000 euros – and thus also recognized a merger of clubs.

After a long preparation, TV Jahn Borgholzhausen, TuS Solbad Ravensberg, LC Solbad Ravensberg and TuS Ravensberg merged to form RSV Borgholzhausen.

Meanwhile, third place and 500 euros went to Delbrücker SC for its long-standing commitment entitled “Football for Everyone” with a total of 29 youth teams, including two inclusion groups for children with disabilities.

Texts and photos from are protected by copyright. Further use only with the permission of the editor-in-chief.



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