Starlit Serenade: The Enchanting Journey of Amadeus’ Aspirations

If the meaning of Amedeo, as per Latinorum, is “one who loves God”, then Amadeus in art Ama is someone who loves himself, someone who loves himself believing himself to be God. Not Amadeus to say Mozart, too little: directly the Eternal Father. The epiphany of half of Ciuri in debut at la9 has some omnipotent delirium, even if it’s a repertoire, the usual refrain of “I never repeat myself”, to say I’m more creative than Michelangelo, practically like God, “at 62 I want to experiment with new things” and what does he propose? The antediluvian Corrida by Corrado, the album for the autumn, the boxes to open and the quizzes. Cheers! Eh, but “it will be an event”, and of course, if Ama does it it’s necessarily something epochal, mystical, like walking on water, the multiplication of fish that would be the spectators. It’s just that we don’t deserve it, the Love that lovesjust as the so-called public service did not deserve it: “Rai did everything to keep me financially, on the desk there were two similar draft contracts, both in terms of figures and duration. Rai had offered me the same things I have today at Discovery but from a purely emotional point of view something was evidently missing”. And what? The kisses? The scratches? That is, they were willing to cover me in gold even more than before, but they were mean, what manners, “at the last episode of Your Business there wasn’t even a manager”, and mecojoni. These are the real problems, forget it that the world is dancing with two or three wars possibly world wars, upset by epochal migrations and other disasters: the real tragedy is that at the farewell of Amedeo Sebastiani, a portmanteau of Mozart and Bach of the packages, not everyone was there on his knees. On chickpeas. And then he raised his little nose and went away where they bury him with millions, always, but with a flower in his mouth.

But what’s gotten into everyone? What is this, making fetishes of themselves, whether they’re called Ama, Ciuri or Ilaria Salis? What, did they all think they were Renzis, Calendas? But wasn’t Grillo’s madness enough, a guy who for years has fooled us by making us believe he was a fool, and instead Marx’s (Groucho) aphorism was valid, “that guy pretends to be a fool, but don’t let yourselves be fooled: he really is”?

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“Here everyone thinks they are God,” he sang Renato Zero many but not too many years ago. Here everyone thinks they are anything but God, but then they don’t have the courage to confess certain earthly and pedestrian weaknesses. What does AmaCiuri mean to us when he says that in Rai they didn’t love him enough? Come on, it’s easier than imagining the technical government with Gentiloni: he wanted, wants, demands political weight, that is, I’m in charge and I impose my clan. Perhaps in the Rai of “telemeloni” they did not provide him with adequate guarantees as for incorporated wife and son that he decided the songs of SanremoAma allo specchio claimed to institutionalize the matter and now sends messages to the new clients: watch out, I am God, I love myself as such and God does not contradict himself, especially since he has the holy family in which the Flower, the Ciuri, must also be included; in due time, he will remain “on the sofa” for now, but it is all tactics to make what is needed rise, then things will be resolved according to the divine word. The logic is that of moralistic familism, with a note written in invisible ink but that the bigwigs of the New ones they certainly will not have failed to decipher: «I was never contacted by Mediaset during the negotiation period that determined the transition from Rai to Discovery» is the exact opposite, watch out because everyone wants it and if you make me turn the saints it will take me no time to move the whole thing over there, complete with puppets.

That’s how things go, that’s how they have to go. We’ve always had powerful entertainers, think of Pippo Baudo, a Christian Democrat while it lasted, but not yet this boundless presumption. These are times of genetic, anthropological mutations: finance has taken the place of production, absorbing everything, managers have imposed themselves on politicians, degraded to the role of executors; now presenters dictate the law to managers from the height of their commercial, financial successes. Therefore, politicians. And the circle closes. Holy, Holy, Holy is the Amadio of the Universe, the formats and sponsors are full of his glory, hosanna in the top of your nose.

It was understood with the 5 Sanremo in the wake of the woke, the dominant ideology, the Ama that dictated smiles, songs and about tasteswho first received Ferragni, like a little princess not yet fallen from the throne, then the Head of State with Benigni jokingly summoned to the I have a message for you: the Constitution is backwe take it out of the closet, the days of curfew are over (for now, but don’t fool yourselves). We have always maintained that Sanremo was a political matter, therefore financial, more than any other teleliturgy. What was not clear to many was the real balance of power: the true monarch was not Mattarella, it was Ama. And even if he is no longer on public television, but will return one day, as a second coming, his power is now universal, it does not suffer from borders, his warnings return to strike the ungrateful Rai, his usurpers like De Martino who seems to please Meloni. God is nice, good-natured, even tolerant, “slow to anger and generous with mercy”, but don’t make him angry because then he no longer knows friends or enemies and answers only to himself. And in any case it is not true that he forgives, in the end he who has to pay in one way pays in another. Always. It is the word of AmaCiuri, let’s give thanks to AmaCiuri.

Max Del Papa, September 17, 2024 is also on Whatsapp. It is enough click here to subscribe to the channel and always be updated (free).

Flawed, ⁤yet​ it has gained ⁢a following among his ⁤admirers. This phenomenon⁢ raises questions⁢ about the social dynamics that support such ‍inflated egos. Is it the adoration from⁣ fans, the constant media⁢ attention, or a deeper desire for validation that fuels this god complex?

The God ​Complex: ⁢How Celebrities Like Amadeus ⁢Think They’re‍ Above ​the Rest

In ⁤a world where self-obsession‍ has become the ‍norm, it’s ⁣no surprise that ⁢celebrities ‌like⁤ Amadeus have taken ​it to new heights. With an ego that⁢ rivals ​Mount Everest,⁢ these⁤ stars‍ have convinced ⁣themselves that they’re not just mortal beings, ⁣but gods ‌among​ men. In this article, we’ll explore the phenomenon ‌of ⁣celebrity narcissism, using Amadeus as ⁢a prime example.

The Omnipotent​ Delirium of Amadeus

Amadeus, aka ‌Ciuri,​ has⁣ always been known ​for his grandiose statements ‌and an inflated sense of self-importance. With a‌ name that means “one who loves God” in Latin,‌ it’s⁢ no wonder he⁤ thinks he’s ‍above the rest. His latest declarations, such as ⁤”I’m more creative than Michelangelo,”⁤ are⁤ a⁢ testament ​to his ⁣boundless arrogance. But what’s even more astonishing ​is his conviction that he’s being underappreciated and underloved by the public and the media.

The Comparison to Renzi and Calenda

Amadeus is not ‌the only ​celebrity‍ who suffers from this god complex. Renzi ⁣and Calenda, two other ‌prominent ​figures in Italian politics and entertainment,⁢ have also been known to display similar‍ traits of narcissism. It’s as if they believe they’re above the law, untouchable, ⁣and infallible. But the question remains, what drives ⁣them to⁢ think they’re gods‍ among ‍mortals?

The Logic of Moralistic Familism

Amadeus’s logic is

What are the psychological factors contributing to the rise of self-worship among public figures like Amadeus?

The Cult of Self-Worship: Unpacking the Enigma of Amadeus

In the realm of Italian showbusiness, a peculiar phenomenon has taken center stage: the burgeoning cult of self-worship. And at the epicenter of this enigmatic phenomenon stands Amadeus, the talented TV personality, known to his devotees as Ama. But what drives this self-proclaimed deity to proclaim his own divinity, and what implications does this have for the world of entertainment?

The Epiphany of Amadeus

In a recent debut on la9, Amadeus presented himself as an omnipotent being, touting his own creative genius as unparalleled, proclaiming, “I’m more creative than Michelangelo.” This declaration is reminiscent of the Latin phrase “Amadeus,” meaning “one who loves God,” but twisted to mean “one who loves himself” – an inflated sense of self-importance.

This self-aggrandizement is not unique to Amadeus; it’s a prevalent trend among celebrities and public figures, who, like Ciuri, Ama, and Ilaria Salis, seem to be making fetishes of themselves. But why? Have they come to believe they are Renzi, Calenda, or some other revered figure?

The Psychology of Self-Worship

Renato Zero’s lyrics, “Here everyone thinks they are God,” seem prophetic in this context. The truth, however, lies in the opposite direction: these individuals think they’re anything but God, yet lack the courage to admit their human weaknesses. Amadeus’s lament about not being loved enough by Rai serves as a prime example. His demands for political weight, guarantees, and control are thinly veiled attempts to assert his dominance.

The Rai Drama

The controversy surrounding Amadeus’s departure from Rai to Discovery raises questions about the role of power and control in the entertainment industry. Did Rai fail to provide him with adequate assurances, sparking his desire to take his talent – and his family – elsewhere? The gamesmanship of contractual negotiations and behind-the-scenes politics underscores the Machiavellian nature of the industry.

The Implications of Self-Worship

The cult of self-worship perpetuated by Amadeus and others has far-reaching implications for the entertainment industry and beyond. It fosters an environment where ego and self-importance take precedence over artistic merit and genuine creativity. The focus shifts from producing quality content to projecting an image of omnipotence and control.

As we navigate the complexities of this phenomenon, it becomes clear that the true tragedy lies not in the wars, migrations, or disasters that plague our world, but in the proliferation of self-absorption and the ensuing deification of individuals. We must ask ourselves: have we created a culture that idolizes the self, rather than the art?


The tale of Amadeus serves as a reflection of our times, where the cult of self-worship has become an epidemic. It’s a cautionary story about the dangers of unchecked ego, the corrupting influence of power, and the devastating consequences of valuing self-importance over artistic integrity. As we move forward, it’s essential to recognize the value of humility, collaboration, and the pursuit of genuine creativity – lest we succumb to the pitfalls of self-worship and lose sight of what truly matters.

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