“Star Académie”: three guys ready for anything!

Four weeks before the final, the competition is becoming increasingly difficult at “Star Académie”. The three guys in danger will bet on their talent and their vocal abilities to keep their place this Sunday.

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Julien Charbonneau was delighted to finally be put in danger for the first time this week. “After the eighth week, it was high time that I show what I can do solo,” said the Academician in an interview.

Vocally, the teachers don’t have many points on which to make him work, Lara Fabian especially wishing to see him open up to others, especially the public, when he sings. “Getting people into my bubble is the challenge I have to take up this week. I think it’s a fault that has been greatly amplified during the pandemic. The only time I made music was for me, in my living room. It’s a bad pandemic trick that I’m aware of, but it’s something that works very well.

He will play his place at the Academy by interpreting the classic of the director, “I love you”. “There was a little magic moment when I did it for the first time. But it’s also an ideal song to break the barrier that I can sometimes put between the public and me.


Édouard Lagacé’s challenge is different. He must for his part accept to be vulnerable when he interprets a song. A problem that he has obviously been dragging on for a long time. “It’s not new, I’ve already said to myself that I should work on it. I totally understand what teachers expect from me, maybe it’s the way to get there that is sometimes less clear. I think I can do it, but I find it easier to let go when I’m on stage in front of an audience.”

Édouard will perform “Tonight love is in your eyes” to convince the public to vote for him. “It’s a song that I really like, especially since the version by Louis-Jean Cormier. It’s a love song to try to make amends. The text is relatively simple, it’s a bit the ideal song to break down barriers. I’m going to sing it for my girlfriend, to make up for being gone all this time.


Olivier Bergeron’s vocal cords are no better, and he went to consult an ENT on Friday morning to try to find the source of his illness. However, he remains very positive for his performance. “I don’t have too much of a voice anymore, but I don’t think it shows during Variety,” he said over the phone. I will give everything to make my song, I have no choice. I just can’t wait to do my song, I see it as an additional opportunity.

Due to this pain in the vocal cords, the Academician might not do his individual workshop with Lara Fabian during the week, but he is not too worried. “I’m going to sing “Mon ange”, by Éric Lapointe. It’s a song that I love. I was preparing for this song for a long time, but I often put it off. It doesn’t worry me much that I mightn’t do the workshop with Lara, I think it’s a song that I know well. It is a beautiful text. We agree that things are not going very well in the world right now, I will bring this beautiful message of love to the public.

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