Standard takes a deserved point at home in the end thanks to fumbling in STVV defense | Jupiler Pro League

Jupiler Pro LeagueStandard has done itself a disservice in the battle for European football. The Rouches did not get further than 1-1 at home against an ultra-defensive STVV. Stipe Perica signed for the equalizer in stoppage time.

It is the weekend that the scouts of international top football find their way to our country. Not very surprising, with Antwerp-Genk, Anderlecht-Union and especially Genk-Club Brugge there are beautiful posters on the program. Now that we’re here – thought the scouts – we’re already picking up Standard-STVV.

Sclessin’s stands were packed with talent spotters from clubs such as Dortmund, Porto and Roma. It’s doubtful they got excited from anyone, unless it was William Balikwisha. Handy on the ball, but sometimes so phlegmatic. Anyway, pleasant to look at.


Furthermore, there was little to do in Liège. Standard, with the eleven names of the 1-1 against Juventus, against a STVV, which had just lost Christian Brüls. The first half produced one noteworthy goal chance. On a pass from Dønnum, Laifis headed over. That was it.

The Rouches dominated in both halves, but a chance to play football together turned out to be so difficult. The last pass was missing and Leistner headed everything away from STVV at the back. On the hour Standard was caught cold. STVV striker Hayashi’s 0-1 was initially ruled out for offside, but the VAR corrected and awarded the goal. In the 92nd minute, Stipe Perica scored a point for Standard with a fumble goal, which remains sixth.

Ameen Al-Dakhil confirms interest Burnley: “Let’s see if it comes this winter”

STVV defender Ameen Al-Dakhil is emphatically associated with Vincent Kompany’s Burnley. After the draw against his ex-club Standard, the 20-year-old youth international responded to the interest. “I’ll see what happens,” he said. “For now, I’m focusing on STVV. Whether that transfer will come now or at the end of the season, I don’t know. It is true that Burnley had already reported last summer.”

“It is always possible that something will happen now, at the end of the mercato, but it could also be in June. That Kompany already wanted to bring me to Anderlecht? You know more than I do, I think”, laughed Al-Dakhil, who wanted to emphasize once again that he will continue to give everything for Sint-Truiden.

The young centre-back was still disappointed by Stipe Perica’s late equalizer. “It is a pity that we lost those two points. We were in good shape. If we had won here, we would have leveled with Standard. But we have to look ahead. The cup match against Zulte Waregem awaits on Wednesday.” Waiting to see if Al-Dakhil will be there himself, of course. (BFA)

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