Stand alone? !Retirement will be in Beichen: 4 months of military training + 14 days of new vocation is enough

Regarding the review of the military service system, retired major general Bei Chen believes that “4 months of military training” combined with “14 days of new recruiting system” is enough.Photo: Photo taken by Yu Beichen on Taoyuan Facebook

[新頭殼newtalk] The Russo-Ukrainian war started for 23 days. The battlefield was broken and the casualties were appalling. In order to defend the homeland, there has been a recent review of the military service system. However, Beichen, a retired major general, thinks that “4 months of military training” with the “14-day new teaching system” is enough. Today (18th), PO out of Beichen on the show, “Public Television has something to say” Facebook fans A complete exposition of the personal claim.

Yu Beichen claimed that “I am one of the few professional soldiers who does not support the change of the service period from 4 months to 1 year.” Just one question, do we have so many combat zones for him to guard? If there is now, why not before? This creates a great policy contradiction.

Yu Beichen said that when the Ministry of National Defense promoted the recruitment system, the basis for the argument was “oversupply of troops”. With the improvement of weapon technology, we can use fewer people, operate better equipment, and generate stronger combat power. ​So we reduced the extra person to a 4-month service period, allowing him to quickly return to society, dedicate his expertise to the country and society, and pursue higher national interests. In addition, let those who volunteer to serve in the army go to the army to learn combat skills.​

Yu Beichen explained that the system clearly defines “compulsory service” and “voluntary service”. Compulsory service for 4 months is “training”, and volunteer service for 5 years, 10 years or even 30 years is “service”. is a different thing. ​Yu Beichen emphasized that it is not necessary to have a large number of people to be able to fight. Instead, put the necessary people in the necessary positions and combine them well with the current weapons and equipment in order to enhance the combat power.

Taking the Ukrainian war as an example, Yu Beichen asked directly whether the chariot would be called by the conscript soldiers to drive it? Will the high-level Patriot missiles and Tiangong missiles be called by the compulsory service to shoot or control? These high-level specialties must be taken care of by volunteers. This is his job and his profession; even if the compulsory service period is extended to one year, it cannot be trained.​

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​Yu Beichen believes that compulsory service comes in as a primary training specialty, including needle and javelin missiles that can be used in the shortest time with emergency explanations; taking Ukraine as an example, he said that using javelin missiles to hit chariots and using needles The people who do the flying bombs are not professional soldiers. They are just patriots. They go into battle after 5 to 10 hours of training, and they also play a role. Yu emphasized that this is not a question of the length of military service, but a question of “spiritual combat power”.​

Yu concluded in the end that 4 months of military training is enough. If administrative chores are omitted, the training is well implemented, and the 14-day vocation every year in the future, he feels that it is a useful soldier.

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