Stamatis Kraunakis: “I love Giorgos Dalaras and all the shit” – 2024-03-13 23:25:40

“Leave Giorgos Dalaras alone, people don’t change, that’s it,” said Stamatis Kraunakis.

Stamatis Kraunakis gave a detailed interview on the show “Pame Danae” and Aris Kavatzikis. The well-known music composer spoke, among others, about Alkisti Protopsaltis and George Dalaras.

“Of course I say ‘Let’s go to Adonis for coffee’ and I even make her the fat one.” Alcestis did it for her own reasons, because she is silent or very sensitive to social policy issues. With Beo yes, the fat one no – I don’t know what. Of course I love Alkisti Protopsalti, I’ve told her many times, it’s not the first time we’ve been in tension, that’s how great relationships in life are. May a new song come to unite us again, I left Alcisti and Lina Nikolakopoulou, fatefully and legally the three of us will meet again. I didn’t mind that fat was taken out of the verse, I cut and sew my songs myself, it was just a lot of ado about absolutely nothing.

I argued with Alcisti when she took my songs, put them in the truck and went outside Mitsotakis to make him do the crazy corona virus carnival. “The most beautiful folk songs” may have been performed by Alkistis Protopsalti, but I did not write the song for Kyriakos Mitsotakis. Of course, I greeted Stefanos Kasselakis and Tyler at Irodio, and if Mitsotakis was coming I would greet him. I like Kasselakis, he has a dream for his homeland, but I don’t give a damn about any politician for more than 10 minutes, not even about Alexis Tsipras whom I adore. I don’t want to reward any “horns” in politics with a personal vote”, said Stamatis Kraunakis.

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#Stamatis #Kraunakis #love #Giorgos #Dalaras #shit

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