2023-10-14 04:40:02
“id”:2194658,”type”:”num”,”link”:”https://dtf.ru/games/2194658-brazilcu-udalos-pogovorit-s-razrabotchikami-stalker-2- na-vystavke-bgs-mashinnyy-perevod”,”gtm”:””,”prevCount”:null,”count”:58,”isAuthorized”:false “id”:2194658,”type”:1,” typeStr”:”content”,”showTitle”:false,”initialState”:”isActive”:false,”gtm”:”” “id”:2194658,”gtm”:null 6.7K views 1.7K discoveries As reported this week, STALKER 2 was playable at this year’s Brasil Game Show, and I had the opportunity to play it. It was an intense 50 minutes, during which I managed to go back and forth across the map, restart once more, test out 3 different weapons, and get a good look at the available region. First of all, it must be said how secretive this game is at the event. There is no banner indicating its location, no indication on the event map, and even the Brasil Game Show team mightn’t tell us where the game was taking place. With great difficulty, following 3 hours of searching, we found it. Three developers from GSC Game World were able to explain the game a little and also answer some questions (I’ll talk regarding the questions I asked later). It was not possible to photograph the location, screens or even record a video, so the article will be entirely text. The demo is entirely in English, even subtitles. However, the studio was concerned regarding providing slides explaining the game’s basic moves and commands, all in PT-BR format. “osnovaUnitId”: null, “url”: ” “place”: “post_inside”, “site”: “dtf”, “settings”: “modes”:”externalLink”:”buttonLabels”:[“u0423u0437u043du0430u0442u044c”,”u0427u0438u0442u0430u0442u044c”,”u041du0430u0447u0430u0442u044c”,”u0417u0430u043au0430u0437u0430u0442u044c”,”u041au0443u043fu0438u0442u044c”,”u041fu043eu043bu0443u0447u0438u0442u044c”,”u0421u043au0430u0447u0430u0442u044c”,”u041fu0435u0440u0435u0439u0442u0438″],”deviceList”:”desktop”:”u0414u0435u0441u043au0442u043eu043f”,”smartphone”:”u0421u043cu0430u0440u0442u0444u043eu043d u044b”,”tablet”:”u041fu043bu0430u043du0448u0435u0442u044b” The demo begins with an attack by a ferocious dog, completely transformed by mutations. We’re in a ditch. Once the character manages to get up and the anomaly knocks the dog down, a character appears at the end of the ravine giving some brief reasons why we are here and where we can find the answers, and this is when the demo begins. transmits commands to the player. Like a good explorer, I went in the opposite direction of what the game’s compass indicated as the mission. A horizontal compass, similar to the one in Skyrim. Despite the fact that the event was held in a very noisy environment, I was able to appreciate the sound of the gaming environment and of course the Geiger counter, which is extremely fast in some situations. The immersion in this game is very good, everything points to some kind of collapse of our plan, as some anomalies appear all over the map. The feeling of exploration is very good, the freedom that this demo represents is actually reassuring, even despite the panic caused by the Geiger counter. In a conversation with a developer from GSC Game World, I commented on this research and said that I like games like Far Cry 5 and Starfield precisely because of the exploration and immersion that they represent. The developer laughed and said that he worked on the Far Cry franchise and was flattered by the comparison. However, he pointed out some differences, such as outposts specific to Far Cry. In STALKER 2 there is no need to “open the card” in this way. You can simply explore at your leisure or complete a mission. He also noted that, unlike the Far Cry franchise, the game there will present a much more intense story with a slight touch of horror. And speaking of horror, I asked if the disaster of the war in Ukraine had any impact on the scale of the game. We know that some staff died in the war (there were delays), and that some content was cut or the game was affected by changes due to these events. According to the developer, no. The game was the same as it was on the drawing board when it was still just an idea, and that’s how it continued. Yes, there were delays due to this, but no content was removed from the game or even the story, plot or narrative was changed due to the war. Of course, I apologized for this conversation, but he was very kind in answering this question, I was a little afraid of offending him, but no, he assured me that the game follows the ideas of others and they are focused on providing an enjoyable “post” ” -a military first-person shooter with anomalous situations on the map” Now comes the decisive part: I asked what build we were playing. He hesitated to answer, so I phrased my question better: “Is this a Gamescom build?” He replied: no, thanks to the reviews presented there, he has already become better. Finally I asked if what we were playing was already a build representing the final game, the developers looked at each other and he said no. He hinted that the build we are playing is already outdated compared to the final version of the game. Let us remind you that according to the latest postponement, the release of STALKER 2 is scheduled for the first quarter of 2024. The game had a lot of rendering issues and poorly cut textures. Lots of short stops and poor sight placement on the pistol. Honestly, I don’t think that following the build we played, just 5 months would be enough for a minimally normal run of the game. If they put it off, I wouldn’t be surprised. And even more annoying considering all the problems they face outside the studio. I liked the presented demo version. Even the technical errors I mentioned do not erase the unique atmosphere that the game brings and which, if technically well executed, has everything to become another hit in the Xbox Game Pass catalogue.
#Brazilian #managed #talk #developers #Stalker #BGS #exhibition #machine #translation