Stabilizing coal prices and then making a combination punch, the Development and Reform Commission severely punishes hoarding

Original title: Stabilizing coal prices and then making a combination punch, the Development and Reform Commission severely punishes hoarding

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, February 24. China Securities Journal published an article on the 24th, “Stabilizing Coal Prices and Combining Combinations”. The Development and Reform Commission severely punishes hoarding. The article said that in response to stabilizing coal prices, the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments once once more launched a combination of punches, severely punishing hoarding and other behaviors. The National Development and Reform Commission recently held intensive meetings with relevant units to standardize the sampling and release of coal price indices, stabilize market coal prices, and organize the investigation of abnormal trading behaviors in the thermal coal futures market.

On the 22nd, the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration jointly organized a meeting of the Shanxi-Shaanxi-Mongolian coal authorities, some port enterprises and coal price index institutions.

(Data map, issued by Xinhua News Agency)

The meeting emphasized that local relevant departments should continue to do a good job of stabilizing coal prices from a political perspective, urge local coal production enterprises and trading enterprises to strictly implement national policy requirements, and take the initiative to stabilize coal prices with a view to the overall situation and long-term development. All relevant parties should continue to strengthen daily monitoring reports, persevere in policy propaganda and guidance, stabilize market expectations, promote the formation of a rational market atmosphere, and ensure that coal prices operate stably within a reasonable range.

Regarding the recent sharp rise in the prices of individual varieties of thermal coal futures, the National Development and Reform Commission stated that it will continue to work with relevant departments to continuously strengthen the market risk monitoring and response mechanism, effectively prevent market risks and curb excessive speculation, and resolutely investigate and punish thermal coal in accordance with laws and regulations. For various violations of laws and regulations in the futures market, the offenders shall be interviewed and held accountable and publicly exposed, so as to maintain the normal trading order of the market and promote the healthy and stable operation of the coal market.

In addition, in response to the apparent discrepancy between some coal price indexes and the actual level of current market coal prices, the National Development and Reform Commission organized a meeting of relevant local government departments, coal enterprises, ports and coal price index institutions to compare and verify the index sampling information item by item.

According to the introduction of the National Development and Reform Commission, following verification and confirmation, some price indexes mainly have the following problems: First, the sources of information are false. The coal price sampling source companies published by some index agencies have not established accounts at the port for trading, and some coal varieties with published prices have not been sold and traded at the port. The second is not sampling according to the actual transaction price. Some index institutions only take the inflated quotations of traders as the sampling basis, and do not verify and confirm the actual transaction situation and transaction price. The third is the lag of price sampling information. Among the sampling sources of some index institutions, the high prices of the defunct coal mines before the shutdown are still used as the sampling source, and the sampling information is seriously lagging and false.

The National Development and Reform Commission stated that it has required coal price index institutions to speed up rectification, strictly regulate the sampling behavior of price index, and comprehensively, truthfully, accurately and objectively reflect the market price situation, so as to avoid misleading market expectations. In the next step, we will continue to do a good job in monitoring coal prices in the coal market, and we will crack down on and resolutely punish behaviors such as driving up coal prices in the market and fabricating and publishing false price increases, so as to ensure the stability of coal prices in the market.

In addition, in response to the recent general stability of supply and demand in the iron ore market, and the fact that port inventories have continued to rise to multi-year highs, but prices have risen sharply, recently, the Price Department of the National Development and Reform Commission and the Price Supervision and Competition Bureau of the State Administration of Market Regulation have jointly organized port associations and some port enterprises. A special meeting was held to study the work of greatly shortening the free storage period of iron ore for trading companies, increasing the cost of port hoarding, and preventing excessive hoarding, and instructing port companies to urge iron ore trading companies to release excessive inventory and restore it to a reasonable level as soon as possible.

The National Development and Reform Commission stated that it will further strengthen market supervision with relevant departments, resolutely and severely punish violations of laws and regulations such as fabricating and spreading information on price increases, hoarding, and driving up prices, so as to effectively maintain the normal order of the market and ensure the stable operation of iron ore prices.Return to Sohu, see more


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