Stabbed to death his uncle because he thought he was ‘scornful’

(PLO)- Thinking that his uncle “looked bad”, after the party, Cao used a knife to stab his neck and head repeatedly, causing Mr. D’s death.

Bac Ninh Provincial Police are holding criminally detained Tran Van Cao (24 years old) to investigate and clarify the act of murder.

According to Cao’s testimony, before that, at noon on February 11, at Mr. TVT’s house (in Tu Son City, Bac Ninh) there was a party, with the participation of Tran Van Cao and his brothers and sisters.

While these people were drinking, the TVD passed by and saw everyone but left without saying anything.

At this time, Cao (his grandson called Mr. D his uncle) thought that Mr. D “looked bad”, because the family had had internal conflicts before.

At about 3 p.m., after eating and drinking, Cao went to Mr. D’s house to get two knives from the kitchen, repeatedly stabbing him in the body, causing him to die.

Immediately after the incident, Cao was arrested by Tu Son City Police.

The case is still under further investigation.

Prosecution and arrest of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law who poured gasoline on them to burn people for murder

(PLO)- The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in Quang Nam used gasoline to water, set fire to others, were prosecuted and detained for murder.


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