“Stab to the heart” –

«De Luca’s words were a stab in the heart. These are words that hurt, are dangerous and make us waste precious time.” Thus Don Maurizio Patriciello, parish priest of Caivano, to the microphones of Rai News 24, regarding the declarations of the president of the Campania Region Vincenzo De Luca, who defined him as “Pippo Baudo from the northern area of ​​Naples”. The priest received numerous certificates of solidarity, including that from Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. “I would be happy if Schlein also said the same words as Meloni,” said Don Patriciello, who explained: “I am ready to shake De Luca’s hand, but those words were completely out of place.”

De Luca mocks the parish priest of Caivano: Pippo Baudo of northern Naples, and Schlein changes

Solidarity with Don Patriciello is also expressed by the Minister of Education, Giuseppe Valditara. «My solidarity goes to Don Patriciello – so the Minister of Education Giuseppe Valditara in a post on X – I am sure that his mission will continue. I want you to feel the human and concrete support of the entire government. Those who are truly committed to fighting crime deserve all the esteem and appreciation of every honest citizen of our country.”

#Stab #heart #Tempo
2024-05-11 12:26:49

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