St.Gallen Cantonal Police: Chief officer has drunken accident in Weite

Blue rider

Turmoil at the St. Gallen cantonal police: Drunken chief of the regional police causes tens of thousands of francs in damage in an accident

Last Tuesday, a man in Weite caused an accident while under the influence of alcohol, causing significant property damage. It has now emerged that the man is the head of the regional police of the St. Gallen cantonal police.

The picture of the crashed car was published by the St. Gallen cantonal police last Wednesday together with the press release.

Image: Kapo SG

One person slightly injured and several tens of thousands of francs in damage: that is the result of an accident that occurred last Tuesday in Weite. The St. Gallen cantonal police reported in their official report that a 63-year-old man with too much alcohol in his blood stopped on a company site on the Rheinweg shortly before 4:50 p.m. to let an oncoming vehicle pass. He then accelerated and crashed into two parked trailers. He then drove head-on into another parked trailer. The man had to be taken to hospital with minor injuries. The car involved in the accident was a total write-off. The total damage amounts to several tens of thousands of francs.

Again «Blick» now reports online on Sundaythe accident has a special background: According to the portal, the drunk driver involved in the accident was the head of the regional police of the St. Gallen cantonal police. The facts were confirmed to “Blick” by Hanspeter Krüsi, head of communications at the St. Gallen cantonal police.

Several proceedings initiated

The man is currently on sick leave due to the accident and has suffered minor bruises, Hanspeter Krüsi told the portal. According to him, criminal and administrative proceedings are underway against the driver involved in the accident. In addition, personnel proceedings have also been initiated.

As the report goes on to say, the erring head of the regional police was not available to speak to “Blick”. The alcohol level in his blood remained unknown for the time being. The man reported via Hanspeter Krüsi that the accident happened in his free time. As head of the regional police, the man is in charge of all four bases and 22 police stations. The 63-year-old is also a member of the management of the St. Gallen police force and is part of the command staff. (two)

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