SSB: Norwegians with the most trips in 9 years in the second quarter – trips abroad are on the rise

SSB: Norwegians with the most trips in 9 years in the second quarter – trips abroad are on the rise

While the number of domestic trips from April to June was at the same level as the second quarter of last year, with 5.7 million trips, the number of trips abroad increased. Overall, this is the highest number of journeys ever measured for a second quarter in The travel survey from Statistics Norway (SSB). The increase also comes despite the fact that last year’s second quarter included trips in connection with Easter, while Easter this year was early, and falls below the first quarter.

– Despite the weak krone and expensive times, our statistics show that Norwegians still prioritize travelling. It is the increase in trips abroad that is now driving up the total number of trips among Norwegians, says senior advisor Guro Henriksen at Statistics Norway.

– For the first time in five years, the number of trips in Norway is not increasing. We went on 5.7 million trips in our own country, the same number as at the same time last year, Henriksen continues.

Not like before the pandemic

The travel survey also delivers analysis of the total figures for last year when Norwegians went on a total of 6.5 million holiday trips abroad, an increase of 10 per cent from 2022. However, there is still a long way to go to the same level as before the pandemic years. In 2019, Norwegians went on 7.4 million holiday trips abroad.

Nor is business travel out of the country back to the same level as before the pandemic. In 2022 and 2023, 1.1 million business trips abroad were registered in each year, while the figure was 1.5 million in 2019.

The favorite travel destinations

Statistics Norway reminds that Norway is still the most popular holiday country for Norwegians, even though we go abroad a lot. A total of 18.3 million domestic holiday trips were registered in 2023.

The most popular holiday countries outside Norway last year were Sweden, Spain and Denmark. Over 1.5 million trips went to Sweden, 1.3 million to Spain and just over 700,000 to Denmark.

The UK, Germany, Italy, France, Poland, Hallas and Turkey follow in the top ten list.

#SSB #Norwegians #trips #years #quarter #trips #rise
2024-08-29 13:35:09



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