Springfield Unveils New Deportation Effort Targeting Venezuela

  • The candidate and former president of the United States again accused Haitian migrants of eating the pets of residents in Ohio

Republican candidate and former US President Donald Trump said that if elected president, his plan to carry out the “largest deportation” of migrants in the United States will begin in Springfield (Ohio), bound for Venezuela.

“Here’s what you can say: We’re going to do mass deportations from Springfield. We’re going to get these people out. We’re going to take them back to Venezuela,” he said at a press conference at his golf club in Palos Verdes, California, on September 13.

The deportation of migrants is an issue that has marked Trump’s election campaign. During the debate with Vice President and candidate Kamala HarrisThe American tycoon assured that he will encourage economic growth by deporting millions of undocumented immigrants.

EFE/ Edward M. Pio Roda

However, this is a measure that economists believe could harm the labor market, in addition to a drastic expansion of tariffs on almost all imported foreign products.

The Republican candidate insisted in the debate on the need to close the border with Mexico to prevent migrants “from all over the world” from trying to cross into the United States.

On August 11, Republican candidate for Vice President of the United States James Vance said that mass deportation of undocumented people should begin with one million immigrants. He said that this measure would be carried out sequentially.

In addition to mass deportations, Trump’s immigration proposals include the creation of “giant centers” to detain foreigners and the possibility of implementing the policy of separating families at the border.

The rumor against Haitian migrants

Regarding undocumented Haitian citizens in Springfield, Trump said they would be “destroying” the way of life of the residents of that area.

The New York tycoon has been spreading the rumor for days that undocumented Haitians are eating the cats and dogs of local citizens in Springfield.

These accusations have led to the Haitian community being singled out, even receiving bomb threats that have forced the closure of schools in the last two days and other official facilities. President Joe Biden himself called on September 13 for an end to this rhetoric.

According to a publication by CNN September 13th, They said that in 11 months they had not received any reports that these foreigners were eating pets of the inhabitants of this city.

Attacks against Kamala Harris

The former president used much of his press conference to also criticize his opponent, the vice president and Democratic candidate, Kamala Harris, whom he accused, without evidence, of facilitating the “largest wave of sex trafficking and human trafficking in history” with her policies on the border with Mexico.

Trump held Harris responsible for the deterioration of law and order in California through her policies as attorney general in that state (2011-2017) and as a senator there (2017-2021).

Key issues in the debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris


As for the September 10 debate, the former US president reiterated that he is not interested in participating in another one with Harris. He also called the Democrat and the journalists who moderated the meeting organized by the ABC network “lunatics.”

“The debate was great, I think I did very well, but I was fighting against three people. I was fighting against the radical left-wing lunatics at ABC, in my opinion the worst hosts there are,” he said.

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#Deportation #Springfield #Venezuela
2024-09-14 17:19:17

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The Div Element in HTML: A Comprehensive Guide

The ⁤

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What is the



element is a block-level element that represents a generic container. It can ⁣contain any⁤ type of content,⁢ including text, images, videos, and other HTML elements. The

​ element does​ not have any semantic meaning, ⁤but it provides a ‍way to structure content and apply styles, JavaScript behaviors, or ARIA attributes.

How to⁣ Use the


To use the ‍

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Group paragraphs of text

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Define a section‌ of content with a unique style or layout

⁤Apply JavaScript⁤ behaviors or event listeners

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Welcome to My Website

This is a paragraph of text.

An image

Attributes and Properties


element‍ supports a‍ range of attributes and properties, including:

class: Specifies one or more CSS classes to apply ‌to the element

id: Specifies a unique identifier ⁤for the element

style: Specifies inline CSS styles for the element

role: Specifies an ARIA role for the ​element

aria-: Specifies ARIA attributes ⁤for the element

Best Practices

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Use descriptive class names or IDs to make your ​code more readable and maintainable

Avoid using the

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Use semantic HTML elements whenever‌ possible,‌ such as
