Spotify is testing the introduction of NFT galleries on some artist pages in the Android app.

PARIS, May 17 (Benin News/EP) –

Spotify is testing a new feature that will allow artists to enter non-fungible token galleries, or NFT with a selected group of users in the United States.

Artists such as Steve Aoki and groups such as The Wombats are among those who have access to this feature, which is currently in the testing phase and works on the Spotify app. pour Android.

The platform is running “a trial that will help a small group of artists promote their existing third-party NFT offerings.” through their arista profiles,” a Spotiy spokesperson told Music Ally.

This indicates that Spotify does not offer the option of listing NFTs on the platformbut is currently testing a format that allows artists who sell these digital products to promote them on the platform.

Users who have access to this test will be able to see galleries of non-fungible tokens in the app’s interface, below artists’ track and album listings.

Once the desired TNF has been selected, users will be able to access a larger version of the TNF in image format, as well as the following a brief descriptionas verified by The Verge.

The platform also offers a “See more” option which redirects users to the following sites to the OpenSea portalwhere you can buy these NFTs, as well as listen to their sound if they are available, or their movement if they are a video or a GIF.

Selon Music Ally, le service de streaming musical will not charge any fees for NFT sales made through the app, but it’s just testing a way to integrate it into the platform.

It is worth recalling that last March, Spotify published two job offers related to blockchain technology and NFTs, sparking rumors of his interest in these digital assets.

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