Spotify gains support for Siri commands on HomePods

2023-09-21 19:35:21

O iOS 17 brought a solution that finally allows you to play music from Spotify em HomePods using Siri. Until then, voice command playback only worked with Apple Music, depending on AirPlay for third-party streaming.

According to 9to5Mac, simply ask the assistant to play a song, artist or playlist on Spotify and it will transmit the command to the iPhone. After understanding and processing the request, it will automatically transmit from the cell phone to the speaker.

To configure the feature, you must confirm the action when HomePod prompts you, but only the first time. Afterwards, interactions should occur without many problems — but the devices must be connected to the same network.

This solution, of course, depends on iOS 17 and the HomePod 17 Software. Furthermore, before using, users must ensure that the Spotify application is updated to the latest version so that everything works without hiccups.

With the introduction of this new feature, which uses an APIApplication programming interfaceor application programming interface.”>1 announced at WWDC23, it is expected that, over time, other audio applications will also use it, including music services, podcasts, audiobooks, etc.


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