Spotify announces price increase; how much does it cost in Mexico?

Spotify, The music streaming platform has increased their prices. Starting next month julio, will have new subscription rates to access unlimited music and podcasts

This, for the moment, will only affect the United States, where users will have to pay from one dollar to three dollars more depending on the plan you are hiring. Prices would increase as follows:

  • Plan individual: from $10.99 to $11.99
  • Duo plan: from $14.99 to $16.99
  • Plan familiar: from $16.99 to $19.99

He The only plan that will maintain its price In the United States it will be the Student one.
For users who do not want to pay more, they can change their plan to one that better suits their needs or cancel the Premium plan and use the free version of the platform.

Will Spotify increase its price in Mexico?

At the moment, the company has not announced that it intends to raise its prices in other countries. However, it had previously announced rumors of increased costs for their plans.

In case you ever Spotify raises its prices, will notify one month in advance via email for users who are subscribed to a plan Premium.

With this, users would have the opportunity to think If you want to continue subscribed to Spotify Premium or better use the free version. At the moment, the cost of plans in Mexico es:

  • Individual: 129 pesos per month
  • Students: 69 pesos per month
  • Duo: 169 pesos per month
  • Family: 199 pesos per month

Until nowSpotify has raised its prices in Mexico twice. The first was in 2020 when it increased its costs due to the digital VAT and the second in 2023 when raised prices by 20 pesos of their plans.

#Spotify #announces #price #increase #cost #Mexico
2024-07-26 09:29:34



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